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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Rated: K= for violence and small ships

Pairing: Hiccstrid, ToothlessxLuna

Author's Note: Well Well Well..... I'm back! While writing this I sort of hit a writers block but I broke through it and I managed to finish this chapter! I am very sorry for the long wait, school really hasn't been forgiving but anyways... Let's goo!

Chapter 33

The gang had to help the beaten Cloudjumper back into the cells. Around this time, the cell doors were open allowing free access throughout the cell corridor. They had put Cloudjumper onto a chair and started to wrap his wounds. No one could think of what to say at the moment so they all just sat around while Cloudjumper was recovering. Toothless and Cloudjumper had exchanged a couple of words every 10 minutes or so. After a while, they let Cloudjumper rest and they continued to think about escape.

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

It had been a whole week since Cloud jumper's arrival and he was starting to show signs of getting better. He could walk up straight and the gang had started talking to him. Cloudjumper told them everything, with the help of Toothless, about The Dragons and in-turn, The Gang told him about their lives. 

"And now we are stuck here with no way out." Hayden finished. Silence crept over everyone. 

"How about communication? have you figured that out?" Cloudjumper asked, "Well, I didn't really think of that." Hayden responded.

"Well that's our way out!" Cloudjumper exclaimed, "All we need is the Dragons to come and get us!"

"And how do you plan to do that?" Snotlout replied with a smug expression.

"When you join The Dragons, you get a transplant that is undetectable by scanners. It is only detectable when you activate it. You activate it by radio waves. Once activated, the signal will reach all the way to The Dragon's headquarters and they will come and get us. The only problem is that we need a specific radio channel for it to be activated. For that we'll need something to get the transplant activated but what?"

"How about the radios the guards have." Toothless suggested. They all agreed. 
"Ok, we grab a radio and bring it here, then we need to get to the correct channel so that we can send a signal to the dragons." Cloudjumper finished as they all sat in silence. They soon got to preparing a plan to get 1 radio....

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) 

The night was mainly filled with silence. The only sound being Maddie's sleeping breaths,  footsteps of the guards outside and the occasional radio chatter. Just like previous nights, the guard walked through the hall. He unclipped the radio from his belt and spoke clearly into it. 

"Prisoners are clear. No signs of movement. Moving towards the CCTV room. Over and Out. " The moment he stopped saying and put his radio back, two hands leapt from the darkness and grabbed him, pulling him from the hallway and out of sight.

"Did you get him Hiccup?" Astrid whispered as Hiccup emerged, dragging the unconscious guard into the room. Toothless grabbed the radio from the guard and handed it to Cloudjumper. He started to tweak with the radio causing a bit of noise.

"Could you keep it down? People will hear us!" Snotlout whispered, anxiously looking through the window and at the entrance of the hall. 

"Be patient!" Cloudjumper exclaimed doing some final tweaks, "Got it!" Everyone now listened in to the one sound coming from the radio. He held the radio close to his side. Suddenly, a red and blue light started blinking from inside his body.

"And that is the transmitter." He said. They watched as for several minutes it kept on blinking and suddenly it stopped.

"We have got your co-ordinates Cloudjumper. Sending an extraction unit. Approximate time, 1 week." And the radio once again went silent as if the channel was deleted. The room shrouded with silence.

"So, 1 week huh. Better put this man back." Hiccup said looking at the unconscious guard. 

"But we can't put him in the hallway, that would be suspicious." Toothless said as they both looked at the man. 

" I have an idea." Hiccup said walking over and picking the man up. Toothless followed up and helped him as they dragged him through the vent and into the corridor outside. Hiccup opened the security door and moved the man into a chair, lifting his feet onto the control panel. He swiftly moved to a cupboard and pulled out the pin that he kept in his hair, picking a lock and opened a locked draw. To Toothless' surprise, Hiccup pulled out a bottle of alcohol. 

"I know that you might be immune to the effect of alcahol but now is not the time Hiccup!" Toothless said. 

"It's not for me! It's for him. I've been studying him, sort of stalking him you could say and I've found out a lot of things." Hiccup positioned the mans right arm so that it was dangling from his body, placing an opened alcohol bottle just near his fingertips. 

"Clever." Toothless said. Suddenly, footsteps filled the hallway. Hiccup and Toothless started to look around the room for a place to hide. Hiccup tapped Toothless' shoulder, pointing at a vent above the place. They scrambled up and watched as another guard came into the room.

"Oh Bobby, Get up!" The guard went over to the man and shock him fiercely.

"Oh hey Greg, what happened to me?" Bobby said looking at the surrounding room.

"Look man, I understand. Your divorce isn't going well and your starting to drink but that doesn't mean you need to drink at work!" Greg exclaimed picking up the bottle of alcohol and putting it in the bin.  

"I'm sorry Greg. I don't know what's happening to me." Bobby said in shame putting his head in his hands.

"It's alright mate. Well your shift is over and so is mine so how about we leave and have some dinner at that diner you like." They both got up and left as Hiccup and Toothless got back into the room. 

"Sad man huh." Toothless said.

"Yep, we gotta get back though." Hiccup said as they both made their way back into their cells. Now all they had to do was wait for a whole week before help arrived. It was the fist time something was certain. 

Now all they had to do was wait.....


Well there you all go! Now we are actually getting somewhere huh! Exams are coming up so I guess this will be the last chapter I will be putting here until after my exams end. Class 8 is rough. 

It's time for some shoutouts! Shout outs to: OshinoKurothomastheoliveLudzziekarlahgothgirl201990 and  Reaperthe77th.

Thank you everyone for all the support!


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