Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.36 (End)

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It was 3:30 in the morning, and Y/N was awake. Again. This was the eighth time that night Y/N and Sans had been rudely awakened by screams echoing from their baby monitor, the source being their child, Averia. Y/N groaned loudly and shoved her face into her spongey pillow. She fought back tears of frustration as she listened to her husband shuffling around behind her. Her emotions boiled over when she heard him huff sleepily.

"Let me do it." She sat up quickly, trying to hide how weak and tired she truly felt.

"No, Y/N, you know you can't-"

"Yes, I can!" She interrupted, "Come on, I've been doing better lately." She held his arm desperately, giving him that adorable pleading pout that had gotten her her way several times before, "Please, let me take care of her..."

He stared at her for a moment before sighing, "...You're cute, but no. I'm not-"


"Y/N, let me speak." He gave her a stern look that shut her up. He rubbed his face stressfully, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just tired. I know it sucks and it's not fair, but I'm not going to risk you or Avi getting hurt, okay?"

She huffed, "...I know..." She stared at the ground. He comfortingly stroked her cheek, tilting her face to look at him.

"I love you..."

"I love you too, Sans." He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek and sluggishly drug his feet towards the door, "Wait!" She called, making him halt and turn to her, "Can you bring her back in here? Then we could take care of her together?"

Sans hesitated, "...Yeah, I can do that." He offered her a small smile, which she returned. Y/N leaned back and listened to her husband's gentle shushing from the other room as he soothed their small child. She listened as he whispered to Averia, his low, sleepy voice warming her chest. She heard the creaks of the floorboard as he made his way back to their room, and the quiet coos of her baby. She loved them both so much. She wanted to be perfect for them. More than anything, she wanted to be the mother she wished she had when she was young.

"Y/N?" Sans voice was almost silent as he tiptoed closer to their bed, "She's right here, honey..." He very carefully handed her Averia, who hushed once she was in her mother's arms.

"I think she wanted you." He smiled softly and plopped back down on the bed, curling up next to his wife. Y/N only nodded in response, too astonished by her unconditional love for Averia to even consider responding. Even though her nose was red and her eyes were still swollen from crying, Averia gave Y/N a happy smirk when she reached for her. Y/N's lip quivered at the overwhelming emotions she felt as she delicately held her child's hand. This was probably the thousandth time Y/N had held her, but the rush of love and pride was just as strong as the first time.

"Hi, my love..." She whispered softly, biting her bottom lip to hold back the tears pooling in her eyes. A knot tightened in her chest when her tiny daughter laughed, the sound filling her with joy. Sans leaned his head on her shoulder and nuzzled closer. He let out a small but deep groan and relaxed into her warmth, falling asleep almost immediately. But Y/N paid no mind, she was too focused on entertaining the smiling child in her arms. But what could she do? All of her toys and books were out of reach. Averia squirmed restlessly in her arms. Maybe... Maybe she could tell that story.

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