Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.29

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The hallway was bright and stuffy, the lights shining down an almost impossibly pure white on the red carpet. The walls were closer together than Y/N had previously anticipated, and she stumbled to keep her balance. She would've used the walls to steady herself, but they looked strangely wet and sticky, like they had just been painted.

"Sorry, had to teleport to the middle of the hall, I don't remember which suite Mettaton said he was in," Sans muttered as he pulled out his phone, he tilted the screen so she couldn't see. She watched curiously as he clicked away on his phone, then grimaced at a text. He took a deep breath and gently guided her to the room by her hand.

"You ready?" Sans glimpsed at her, his sockets suddenly glimmering with excitement. She thought he hated Mettaton?

Y/N laughed, "I mean, yeah. It's just Mettaton." She felt him stiffen next to her and his hand tightened around hers. She was still holding his hand! She quickly yanked it back, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. "Sorry." Y/N looked ahead to the off-white door in front of them.

He flinched slightly when she apologized, "You have nothing to be sorry for." He took a step forward and rested his hand on the doorknob, "Shall we?" She smiled.

"We shall."

Y/N merrily trotted up to him as he pushed open the door, she only paused when she saw the room was pitch black. She glanced at him unsurely, but he nodded with a smile and encouraged her to enter the suite. She nervously moved forward, resting her hand on the door frame. She felt Sans's arm slip behind her, followed by a clicking sound and the lights coming on. She winced at the sudden change.


Her friends bounced up from behind a couch in the center of the room, all wearing comically small party hats and grinning wildly. Y/N jumped back straight into Sans, who caught her under her arms. She could feel the warm vibrations of his laugh through his chest.

"W-what?" Y/N eyes flashed around the overjoyed faces and awkwardly decorated room in shock, "What is this?"

"Happy birthday, punk!" Undyne gave her a charming devil-may-care smile. Y/N was visibly moved, tears threatening to spill in the corners of her eyes. 

"Thank you, guys. Thank you so much." She scampered up to each of her friends to give them appreciate hugs, starting with Papyrus on the left side of the couch and ending with Alphys on the right before turning back to Sans.

"Did you know about this?" She walked up to him gingerly, he smirked and opened his mouth to respond.

Undyne interrupted, "Duh! He practically planned it!" She let out a hearty laugh. Y/N smiled softly and opened her arms for a hug. He scooped her up, almost lifting her off the floor, and held her securely in his arms.

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