Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.10

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It had been three days. Three days of staring into nothingness. Three days of painful thoughts and images plaguing his mind. Three days of wallowing in self-pity. Three days spent locked in his room, ignoring the outside world. It was his 'grieving period'  he excused. He would be back to his normal self after a few days more.

Sans sighed deeply, he knew he needed to get up. He had always been able to act normal before, why was it so hard with her. He had thousands of years of practice. Thousands of years going through the same cycle, a kid falls, kid resets a million times, kid gets bored and dies. Every time with each new kid he had to act 'normal', whether they made friends and lived in peace, or killed everyone he loved. Five of the six children who had previously fallen viciously slaughtered every monster in the Underground. The only one who didn't, had given her soul up almost instantly. She was kind and wanted to help her friends reach freedom. She was too kind. But then Y/N fell. She was different. She was older, beautiful, smart, and witty. Sans smiled dryly at the thought, Brandon was right. She would never want to be with someone like him. She'd be disappointed if he was her soulmate. He imagined her face curled in disgust as he showed her his soul. She would be much happier with Brandon. He watched them in his head, kissing and clinging on to each other. He saw Brandon pulling off her shirt. He saw them-

*beep beep*

Sans's phone ripped him away from his thoughts.

*beep beep*

He rubbed his face, his sleeve became wet. When did he start crying?

*beep beep*

Sans glanced at his phone, reading the name flashing on the screen.


*beep beep*

He shuffled, reaching for his phone, his finger hovering over the 'answer call' button.

*beep beep*

He clicked the decline button.


Sans tossed his phone away from him, curling up in his bare mattress and old blanket. He wasn't tired or cold, but it didn't matter. He slowly drifted back into his harmful thoughts.


Sans cringed. Y/N left a voicemail. His curiosity overruled his sadness. He had plenty of time to mope around, anyway. He called his phone to the bed with one beckoning motion and listened to the voicemail.

"Hey Sans. Are you okay? I mean, we've been living in the same house for three days and I haven't seen you once. Are you eating? Are you getting enough water? I can leave food and stuff outside your door, I just need to know what you want. I'm... I'm really worried about you, Sans..."

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now