Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.6

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The sunlight bled through the curtains, the warmth waking Y/N. She stretched up, yawning before a cramp in her neck reminded her of the uncomfortable rest. She was the only one left on the couch. Y/N looked around drearily, before slouching up to search for her new friends. The sound of a fridge closing came from the kitchen. She tiredly walked to the kitchen, to find Sans, downing a bottle of ketchup.

"You're disgusting." Y/N yawned, leaning against the wall.

Sans's choked and did a spit-take at the sound of her voice, spewing ketchup all over his hand. He struggled to recompose himself. He had been able to act normally through everything before. Why was it so hard now that she was there? He gave her a weary smile and shrugged. 

"You caught me red-handed." Sans raised his hand to show the ketchup smeared on it.

"Ugh, too early for that" Y/N groaned, but a smile crept its way on her face. A thought crossed her mind, "Um, what's going to happen to me when Papyrus turns me in?" She suddenly felt a lot more awake.

"Don't worry about that. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you, okay?" He looked to Y/N seriously. She nodded, but was still uneasy. Sans walked over to her, outstretching his arms, offering a hug. She gladly accepted, her arms snaking around his neck tightly. He chuckled, stroking her back comfortingly. He could almost feel his soul glow, but he chose to ignore it, and just enjoy the moment for as long as he could.

"Hey... You're kind of strangling me."

Y/N quickly backed away, "Sorry..." She smiled genuinely, "Thank you for comforting me." She began towards the door, "I'm going to hang out at Grillby's for a bit. You know, see if there's any chemistry." She wiggled her eyebrows playfully, Sans forced a smirk.

As much as her words stung, he couldn't help himself, "Yeah, maybe there'll be a spark!" He called after her, only her fading laugh for a response. He didn't realize that he was falling for her before he saw the blue glow. How could he not notice? He didn't take a real nap for an entire day! He chuckled to himself, and replayed that beautiful, genuine smile in his mind, holding a hand over his soul.

Y/N cheerfully walked into Grillby's, her cheeks rosy from the cold. She was looking forward to Grillby's warmth heating her face. She casually slid into a barstool, grinning at him. He gracefully walked to her.

"Good morning, Y/N. Can I get you anything?" He greeted

Y/N leaned against the bar, "Oh just a glass of water, please." He nervously pushed up his spectacles.

"Ah, I can't... Touch water..." He replied awkwardly. Y/N cringed.

"Oh yeah, 'cause you're... I'm sorry." She struggled to save the conversation, "Um, what drinks do you have available?"

He smiled, "I've got several types of hard liquor! What's your pick? Whiskey? No, I know, vodka!" He joked, hoping his friendly nature would clear away the awkwardness.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now