Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.11

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All Y/N could feel was Sans's arms wrapped around her. They seemed to be floating through nothingness, spinning in an elaborate dance. The only sound in the entire world was her shaky breath. Then, she heard trickling, the sound of water flowing nearby. The ground suddenly reappeared beneath her, but it was different. It was soft, and slightly damp, like a marsh. It was almost... Peaceful. Y/N opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the darker room. It was small, only a bench and an echo flower in the middle. There were several jewels in the walls, glistening in the light of the water. It was beautiful and serene, the room seemed to bury away all her memories. Y/N couldn't pull her eyes away.

"Are you okay?"

Sans's voice pulled her out of her dreamy state. He had backed away to give her room, but still had one comforting hand on her arm. Her memories of the day flooded her mind, her fear and sadness melting away into rage. Brandon. Y/N clamped her fists, only to find his wand was still in her hand. A sour smile spread on her face as she broke the wand in half with all of her might.

"There. Now he can't hurt anyone." Y/N sighed, leaning against the wall. Sans glanced away. "...What?"

"I saw a... knife." Sans mumbled, he had trouble saying the last word.

Y/N shuddered, "We need to call everyone and warn them." Y/N whispered, her hands trembled as she grasped her phone. She needed to warn Toriel. Sans nodded, grabbing his phone to call Papyrus. He turned away so they could talk on the phone without getting distracted. Y/N pressed Toriel's name.

*ring ring*

Come on, pick up.

*ring ring*

Please Toriel, I need you to be safe.

*ring ring*

It can't be my fault again, I can't take it.

*ring ring*

Please, mom...

"Hello?" Toriel's warm and gentle voice came through the phone. Relief shot through Y/N's body.

"Oh thank god, Mom, you need to lock the door to The Ruins. Brandon has become violent."

"What!" Toriel yelped, "Y/N, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Y/N stuttered, hesitant to respond.

"I-it doesn't matter now. What matters is that you lock the door, and don't open it unless you hear three knocks, a pause, two knocks, a pause, and one last knock. Okay?" Y/N heard Toriel's feet clicking against the ground, a large slam, and the sound of a lock.

"...It's done. But you better come straight here. I will not rest until you are safely in my arms, child." Toriel whispered strictly, but the worry was still prevalent in her voice.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now