Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.14

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<3mate:          Hey, Toriel is making me stay in The 

Ruins for a while. I won't be able to contact or hang

out with you for a month. I'm sorry, and I'll miss

you! See you soon

Read 2:36

Sender:           What? A whole month? Isn't that

a bit excessive? Have you even

been here a month yet?

Deleted 2:36

Sender:             Oh, that sucks. Wait, what do

you mean no contact?

Deleted 2:38

Sender:          Alright, take care. I'll miss you

too, Y/N. Love ya

Deleted 2:38

Sender:           Alright take care. I'll miss u 2

Sent 2:45

Sans groaned as he reread the text conversation for the hundredth time. At least she didn't see any of the weird stuff. But it had been a month, a little over, in fact, and she was still locked away. He hoped she was having a good time, because he most certainly was not. Papyrus told him a week ago that he would be moving in with Mettaton, after all the panic with Brandon, Mettaton wanted Papyrus to be safe in his home, on the other side of the Underground. And today was Papyrus's last day in Snowdin, Mettaton had picked him up for lunch, and then he was not coming back. Sans clenched his jaw and curled up in his bed. The worst part of all this moving business, is that Sans agreed. Papyrus was safer far, far away from the entrance to the Underground, and Mettaton had more than enough means to protect him. Sans had failed to protect his brother many times before. Sans pushed away the thought. He was going to need a drink to make it through the night. He was terrified of waking up from one of his... Episodes... And being alone. He shuddered, and reread Y/N's text to comfort himself.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now