Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.3

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It was time to leave The Ruins. 

Y/N stood nervously in front of the door, she had no idea what awaited on the other side. She patted her pant pocket for the thousandth time, making sure the money Toriel had given her was still there. Anything to procrastinate leaving. She took a deep breath and set her hand on the door. Change is a good thing, she thought as she forced the door open. Cold wind hit her face, making her scrunch her nose. She wasn't expecting it to be cold, but it was too late to turn back. The door had already closed behind her. Seeing her only guaranteed safe-space locked away from her shot her anxiety through the roof. She gripped her wand the same way women gripped their keys walking through an empty parking lot late at night. With fear.

Y/N walked cautiously along the path. Giant trees towered over her, darkening the area around them. Toriel's warning echoed through her mind, "Monsters can be hidden anywhere, so you must be careful." A shiver ran up her spine, she could feel eyes on her. No, she was just paranoid. Surely no one had caught sight of her yet. But Y/N looked around apprehensively all the same, trying to catch any sign of danger before it was too late. She took another step and felt something grab her foot. She jumped back in horror, just to find she nearly tripped over a stick. She gripped her chest in relief and chuckled at herself as she took a wide step, avoiding the stick.

Y/N was slowly starting to feel comfortable walking in the snow. Cold, but not scared shitless anymore. Until she heard a snap from behind her. She whipped around, to see nothing. Nothing, except the stick broken in two halves. Y/N was unsettled, preparing defense spells in her head. She took an unsure step forward as she studied her background over her shoulder. Once she turned to face the front, she was greeted by a figure standing inches away from her, looking down at her frightened face.

A scream escaped Y/N's throat as she fell back, her bare hands digging into the snow. 

She shakily held up her wand at the strange monster, "Get back!" She squeaked. With a flick of the wrist, the creature sent her wand flying into his hand. She watched in terror as he leaned over her.

"Well, that's one way to greet a friend." The skeletal man reached out a hand to help her up. That voice... Y/N's eyes lit up.

"Sans!" She gratefully took his hand, gasping in relief. She was so glad to find her friend, she felt much safer. His hand was... Skeletal. She had to take a double-take of him, His entire body was skeletal. But for some reason, it didn't even faze her.

"You scared me." She smiled and reached for her wand. He held it back.

"You didn't tell me you were a witch." He muttered. His eye sockets were devote of light, just black holes. Y/N no longer felt safe.

"I-I didn't think it was important...?" She took a small step back, glancing at her wand in his skeletal hand.

"If it's not important, then you won't mind me breaking it." He grabbed both sides of her wand and raised it, the intent to snap it in half.

"No! Wait!" Y/N grabbed his hands, wrestling with him for her wand. Sans won the battle as he yanked it away. "Please don't break it! It will hurt me really, really, badly!" 

He hesitated, "What do you mean?"

"Wands are bonded to their owners, snapping a wand would inflict the pain of their back being s-snapped in half." Memories of the excruciating pain flooded her mind. "You can hold it! J-just, please... Please don't break it." She begged fearfully. She did not want to feel that pain again.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now