Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.12

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Sans peeked open his eyes. He was back at The Waterfall, and Y/N was standing in front of him, staring at him expectantly. He had never hugged someone so quickly before. Y/N gasped from the sudden contact, but melted into the hug. Sans held on to her like she was going to fade away at any second. He grasped her face, almost desperately, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Oh god, you're okay. You're alive." He whispered, gently caressing her cheek. She was really there, looking at him with those beautiful E/C eyes that were filled with... Bewilderment?

"Uh... Of course I'm alive..." Y/N chuckled uneasily, "Are you okay, Sans?"

Sans gaped at her, "You don't...?" She looked at him wordlessly and confused. "Oh..." She didn't remember. He felt his face drop. It was probably for the best she didn't remember dying, but he couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Why was he disappointed? Why did he want her to remember something so... Traumatizing? He knitted his brows, his hands mindlessly resting on Y/N's shoulders.

"Hey, Sans, I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on," Y/N placed a comforting hand on his wrist, "but we need to stop Brandon before he hurts someone." 

Sans almost snorted at the statement. Too late, He thought bitterly. But he nodded anyway, taking a step away from her, his arms hanging limply at his side. Suddenly, Y/N buckled over, clutching her chest right where her soul was, and hissing in pain.

"Y/N!" Sans's arms shot out, supporting her. She quickly steadied herself with Sans's help, but her hand did not leave her chest. "What happened?"

Y/N grimaced, "I don't know... It was like someone dropped a 30-pound weight on my soul. But I feel..." She knitted her eyebrows in confusion, "Stronger... More determined." Her posture straightened as she grinned at him, "Let's go kick that douchebag's ass." Y/N confidently gripped onto his hand. Sans searched her eyes for any sign of pain, or hesitation, but found none. He let out a soft sigh, wrapping his fingers around hers and teleporting them to the door.

Y/N didn't know where her sudden boost of confidence came from, but she appreciated it nonetheless. She felt the cold breeze nip at her nose. She glanced around, searching for her only friend from the surface. Well, not a friend anymore. Her gaze landed on a body curled up in the snow. Brandon. Y/N unconsciously squeezed Sans's hand, pulling him along as she marched towards the sobbing heap.

"Y-Y/N...?" Brandon's teary deep blue eyes met hers. The panic in his voice made Y/N wince. Maybe... She misjudged him? She let her eyes soften for a moment before she remembered his assault and the colorful string of names he called her. She ripped her hand away from Sans, who was reluctant to let her any closer to Brandon. She walked to him, stopping about a foot away, glaring down at him.

"Brandon." Y/N muttered harshly. Before she could react, he was on his knees, hugging her legs tightly and sobbing violently.

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