Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.19

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: Strong Language

Sans waited. And waited, and waited. The more he waited, the more he dwelled on Y/N's actions, and the more confused and frustrated he got. She was laughing and joking with him one minute, then the next, she pushed him away, just him. Did he do something wrong? ...Was she actually angry about the bathroom joke? Sans paced back in forth across the living room. Why wouldn't she tell him what was wrong? Why was she hiding things from him? Like the shirt from that morning, why did she throw it? Why did she keep dismissing him when he asked if she was okay? Why did she freak out when he asked her to let him in? He huffed. Why didn't she trust him? His rapid pacing slowed to a halt. She didn't trust him... Sans laughed sadly as he fell to the couch. Why should she? He was constantly lying to her. He lied to her about his feelings, he lied to her about the night they got drunk, he didn't tell her that Brandon killed, hell, he even lied to her about where he got that stupid ring. He rubbed his face stressfully. It wasn't fair for him to be upset about it. But... She didn't know that he was lying about any of those things, so why didn't she trust him? What else did he do wrong? He gritted his teeth. If she would just fucking talk to him, he could-

The front door creaked open, tearing him out of his thoughts. Y/N waddled into the house, trembling from the cold. His soul dropped at the sight of her. Why didn't she let him take her home? Hot frustration rose from his stomach, encouraging him to stand.

"Jesus Christ, Y/N, you look awful!" Sans marched towards her, reaching for her arms to warm her up. She recoiled away from him, guiltily staring at the ground. He grimaced and huffed, ripping off his jacket and tossing it to her. "Here." He muttered.

"S-Sans I... I'm sorry ab-" She started nervously.

Sans cut her off, "It's fine." He turned away from her, sighing angrily. Why was he so mad? She was apologizing and trying to explain herself! He took a deep breath and glanced back at Y/N. She was shaking in place, holding his jacket instead of putting it on. That's why he was mad. She was putting herself in danger because she was upset with him, and she refused to tell him anything or let him help her. 

"Y/N, oh my god." He snatched the jacket from her and opened it for her. "Just put it on, you're freezing." Y/N nodded, letting him put the jacket on her. She met his eyes causing him to almost stumbled back. Her eyes were filled with hurt, confusion, guilt, and frustration, everything that he was feeling, everything that she refused to talk to him about.

"Seriously Y/N, what is going on with you? What's wrong?" He snapped. Y/N flinched at his tone.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, I'm sorry." She muttered, taking a step around him and heading towards the stairs. Sans's frustration boiled over and he grabbed her arm, forcing her to look at him.

"Why won't you just... talk to me? I can't help if I don't know what the fuck is wrong! Do you not trust me?"

Y/N let out a single sarcastic laugh, "You've got to be kidding me. You can not accuse me of not trusting you." She yanked her hand away from him, rubbing it protectively.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now