Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.7

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Y/N sighed, contented to be so close to someone she loved. She curled closer to him, feeling the vibrations of a low hum seem to echo beneath his chest. A hand absentmindedly caressing her back, curling fingers into H/C hair. Their legs entwined together, she was as close to him as she could possibly be. But she still wanted to be closer. His left hand gently turned her face up for him to see, and to her surprise, she saw-


Y/N arose with a start. She was so close to seeing him this time. In previous dreams, she seemed to simply feel his presence around her, but when she opened her eyes she was alone. She had never felt his hands before, never felt him hum. She looked around drowsily for who had woken her so abruptly, her eyes falling onto Papyrus, his smile gleaming. She couldn't be mad at him, even if she tried.

"HUMAN Y/N! DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS?" He yelled excitedly. Y/N thought for a moment, suddenly remembering her late-night shopping spree.

"Oh! It's Valentine's... Love? Day." She looked to him for an answer.

Papyrus jumped up in down in place, "YES!" He snatched her off of the couch, twirling her around. "AND THIS YEAR I HAVE SOULMATE TO CELEBRATE WITH!" He cried out joyfully. After Y/N got her barring from being thrown around like a sack of feathers, she wrapped her arms around him, her feet dangling.

"I'm so happy for you, Papyrus!"

He squeezed her harder, forcing a small noise out of her throat.

"Hey Paps, you're suffocating her a bit." Sans chuckled from the overlook. Papyrus quickly dropped Y/N, giving her an apologetic look before rushing Sans, scooping him up in a similar fashion.

"SANS! YOU ARE ACTUALLY UP FOR LOVE DAY THIS YEAR!" Sans fell from his arms as Papyrus cupped his own face, "COULD IT BE? HAVE YOU... FOUND YOUR SOULMATE?!" He practically screamed. Y/N giggled at his excitement and Sans thoroughly blue face.

Sans waved his hands dismissively, "N-no! It's Y/N's last day with us, I don't care that it's Love Day." Now Y/N was outright laughing at his stutter, desperately trying to muffle her snickers. Sans watched fondly as she squeezed her eyes closed, falling back into the couch. A faint blue glow began in his chest.

Luckily, Papyrus was already turned to Y/N, "IT'S Y/N'S LAST DAY?" Papyrus spirits deflated like a kicked puppy. Y/N's amusement suddenly stopped, seeing Papyrus's sad expression. She climbed the stairs to embrace him.

"Don't worry, Papyrus. I'll still come to visit you every day. The only difference is that I wouldn't be sleeping on the couch." She gave him a comforting grin. This seemed to cheer him up a bit.



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