Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.25

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"I'm going to take your hand, okay?"


Sans watched Y/N squeeze her eyes shut before holding out a shaky hand for him. He carefully took her hand, rubbing the back of it comfortingly as he began to teleport. She panicked. She ripped her hand away from him, he tried to grab her fingers, but they slipped out of his grasp. He could see the fear in her eyes as she vanished into the void.

"NO!" He screamed as he hit the ground of Alphys's lab. "Y/N!" He wailed as he fought to get to his feet, sprinting to Alphys down in her lab. She's not going to remember.

"Alphys!" He grabbed her viciously, "Please, you need to help me, Y/N's gone! I can't-"

"Sans! W-Woah, slow down. Who's Y/N?" Alphys tried to calm him, but her words only furthered his panic. He was alone.

"Y/N! You love her! My soulmate, Y/N! Remember?" He shook her desperately.

"I-I'm sorry, Sans, I d-don't know who you're talk-talking about..." Alphys cowered from him, fearful tears in her eyes. Sans let her go and fell to the floor. She was gone. No one remembered, just like last time.

Sans felt Y/N's fingers slip from his grasp, he didn't have time to react. Didn't this just happen? Y/N screamed, crying as she disappeared. He hit the ground, again. Oh god, she's resetting. Sans took a deep breath. He could still save her, he just had to be ready when-

"Help!" Y/N wailed as her fingers once again slipped from his grasp, he could only feel her fingertips and hear her scream before hitting the ground.

"Shit! I'm sorry, I'll catch you, I promise I'll catch you!" Sans yelled. He held out his hand, focusing hard and waiting for the next reset.

He didn't have enough time. Her fingertips barely brushed his hand, he couldn't grab her. Y/N shrieked again, reaching for him as she faded into the void. Sans hit the ground.

He couldn't catch her, he couldn't save her. He didn't have enough time. Sans sobbed violently into his hands. Was she in pain?

Sans felt her slip away from him again, he heard her scream again, he hit the ground again.

"Y/N!" He cried out to her, but he knew she wouldn't hear him. It wasn't fair.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now