Magic Humans and Monster Ch. 1

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There she stood, very much alive, and holding a monster at wand-point. The goat-like monster held her hands up in surrender, completely at Y/N's mercy. She was tall, her horns and nails came to a sharp point, but she looked... Soft. Not scary at all, like a middle-aged mother that listened to podcasts. But maybe that was her manipulation. Y/N had learned a lot about how monsters originally tricked humans into getting close to them so they murder their human 'friends' and steal their souls to become all-powerful.

She was so sucked up in her thoughts and fears, she barely noticed the goat-lady slowly approaching her, until she gently took the wand from her trembling hand. Y/N let it happen. She knew she could never hurt anyone, human, animal, or monsters. She looked helplessly at the woman in front of her, one look into her sad eyes and this woman took Y/N into a close embrace. This woman whose life she was just threatening chose to comfort her. 

Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, "I-I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone." She was balling now. This was the closest thing she had felt to 'parental love' since she was six. The woman gently stroked her hair, shushing her soothingly.

"It's okay, child. You were frightened, I am sorry for scaring you." She pulled away, brushing the tears off of Y/N's cheeks and smiling slightly. Y/N's brain short-circuited at the tiny display of affection.

"Oh! How rude of me, I have yet to introduce myself! My name is Toriel, I am the caretaker of The Ruins. What is your name?" She stood, offering a hand to Y/N, which she slowly, but gratefully, took.

"My name is Y/N... I'm not a... a caretaker of anything..." Her mind raced but remained blank at the same time as she tried to process what was happening to her, "B-But I, um... I was trained to kill monsters my whole life..." Y/N whispered fretfully. After hearing the words leave her lips, she cringed violently. Toriel's look of shock didn't make her feel any better.  

"I-I mean I don't! I never wanted to but they made me learn! And I couldn't do it so they bullied me, and I tried to escape and... T-That's why I'm here..." Why was she blurting out everything? Just because this woman gave her a little bit of positive attention?

"Oh, child... It's going to be okay. You're safe here with me." Toriel took Y/N in her stong, fuzzy arms once more before turning down a hallway. She beckoned Y/N to follow her through a large blackish-maroon door, and into what appeared to be the Ruins.

After several minutes of Toriel guiding Y/N through different puzzles and teaching her the ways of The Underground, she suddenly halted in front of a giant ebony tree.

"Oh! I forgot..." Toriel dug through her robe pocket and pulled out Y/N's wand. "Here you go, my child." Y/N relaxed with her wand in her hands again. But surely Toriel wasn't truly okay with that.

"Are you sure? You can keep holding onto it for a bit if it makes you uncomfortable..." Y/N grip unconsciously tightened around her wand. 

Toriel chuckled, "It's quite alright, child. I can see that you don't want to give it up."

Y/N let out a breath of relief as Toriel approached a large building. She halted a few feet away from the entrance to study the new environment. She was intrigued, to say the least. Toriel called out to Y/N from inside the structure, offering her something that smelled deliciously sweet, making her stomach growl desperately. Y/N almost raced into the building. She didn't care if the pie was poisoned, she was starved. It didn't occur to Y/N until she smelled food that she had neglected to eat for the past day or two, in order to avoid her bullies. She began to scarf down the pie, but spared a glance at Toriel, only to be met with worried eyes. But it didn't matter to her.

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