Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.8

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It had been a week since Love Day, a week since Y/N went back to living with Toriel. And Sans was taking it hard. Sure, they hung out every day, exploring the forest, touring the Waterfall, surviving the Hotlands, everything done together. But he had waited his whole life for his soulmate, and she was just within reach. And he couldn't have her. He knew he needed to talk this over with someone, but who? He didn't want Papyrus to get involved, because as much as he loved him, Papyrus was kind of a loudmouth. Sans chuckled under his breath at the thought. He couldn't tell Toriel, because she was practically Y/N's mother. Maybe he could visit an old friend. That's it! He could talk to Alphys, especially since she already knows. No thanks to Mettaton...

Without another thought, he was suddenly standing in Alphys's lab. Huh, he should be more careful about his teleporting. Didn't even realize he was doing it. He hummed humorously.

"S-Sans? What are you doing here...?" Alphys looks up from her desk. She was in the middle of eating some clearly undercooked instant noodles. She stared at him confused, the sound of crunching echoing through the lab as she slowly chewed.

Sans sighed deeply, she was about to get way too excited. "I need to talk to you about, um... About my soulmate..." He bashfully scratched the back of his skull, staring at the ground. Alphys scrambled to her feet, dropping her noodles with a clunking sound that startled Sans. Her eyes were filled with excitement.

"OHMIGOSH OHMIGOSH OHMIGOSH!" She cheered, jumping in place before composing herself, readjusting her glasses. "Ahem. What do you wish to discuss?" Alphys attempted to keep a straight face, but her mouth was quivering with joy.

He rolled his eyes, "I don't know what to do." He groaned as he collapsed into her new gray couch. "Her soul is frozen, so she can't know if I am her soulmate. But I just... Ah, geez" 

He rubbed his face, attempting to release tension, "I feel so... At home when I'm with her. I want her to be happy, and telling her about my feelings would just stress her out..." Sans took a deep breath, whispering, "But I'm struggling. Every time I see her smile, my soul tries to... To leap out of my chest!" He laid a hand over his sternum, emphasizing his words.

Alphys squealed loudly, jolting Sans out of his thoughts. "You HAVE to tell her! She's totally into you! I m-mean, she's your soulmate!" She runs to Sans, pulling him off the couch. "A-And even if she doesn't feel the same, better to just... Rip the bandaid off and work from there!" She ushered him towards the door. "Go! Go tell her!"

And just like that, Sans was locked out of the lab. That was helpful. He rolled his eyes. Maybe she's right, the worst she can say is 'I don't know'. He exhaled, teleporting back to his room. He knew he couldn't keep repressing his feelings, he couldn't live like that.

It was time to tell her.

Sans shuddered, but ultimately decided it was for the best. He smiled to himself as he planned out how he would tell her. He would take her out to that nice pond in the woods at twilight, and tell her how much he cared. A nervous thrill went shot through him like electricity as he dialed her number on his phone.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now