Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.30

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TW:  Strong language 

Her silky H/C hair was twisted in his fingers and her lips were pressed gently against his as the morning light shinned lamely through thin white curtains. Sans was in his favorite dream again, in his personal heaven. Y/N caressed his cheekbone and leaned her forehead against him. As always, she was breathtaking.

"Hi." She smiled that perfect smile, her perfect E/C eyes glimmered brightly with affection. What he wouldn't do to see that look in real life...

"Hi, beautiful." He hummed, resting his hand in the curve of her waist. She giggled quietly, staring into his eyes. His mouth met hers once again. He was drawn to her like a magnet, the intense attraction between them making it almost impossible to resist, especially when she was this close to him. She deepened the kiss. It felt so real, he could even smell her. He breathed her in, lavishing in the flowery scent surrounding him. Y/N gave him once last small peck and leaned against his chest, sighing wistfully.

"God, I wish this were real..." She whispered yearningly, making him freeze. Sans took a moment to process her words before gently pushing her back by her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, what?" To his surprise, she laughed. No, he wasn't supposed to be surprised, this was a dream. His dream, from his mind, not real. Why was he surprised?

"Aha, sorry. You're not 'real'. You're just my dream." She touched his cheek, smiling, "But that's okay! I'm still happy with you..." Sans took her hand away and sat up, the white comforter coming with him. She made a small noise of complaint before struggling up next to him.

"No." His eyes were wide, "You are my dream." He pointed between them to emphasize his point. He expected her to reel back in shock, to be horrified, to stare at him in blank confusion, but she didn't. She laughed, again.

Y/N booped his nose affectionately, "That sounds like something a dream would say to make me feel better." She snickered as she leaned in, her warmth put him into a trance and he relaxed into another kiss. He wanted to keep kissing her so, so bad, but he needed to know. Sans tenderly pushed her back again, farther than before. She pouted dramatically.

"Y/N, I'm real. This is really me, are you..." He studied her eyes "Are you actually, ya know, you?" Y/N rolled her eyes and scooted closer.

"Of course I am." She delicately took his hand in hers, "Now can we please go back to kissing?" She smirked playfully and tilted her head, moving to embrace him. God, she was so tempting.

Sans shoved her away more harshly, "No, Y/N, you still don't believe I'm real!"

Y/N huffed and crossed her arms, "Yeah, 'cause you're not." She muttered under her breath.

He sighed heavily and rubbed his face stressfully, "Yes, I am."

She smiled cheekily, "Okay, honey, you're real. Can we kiss now?" She obviously still didn't believe him. Hell, he didn't even know if she was real.

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