Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.13

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Sans sighed impatiently as the door automatically slid open before him and Alphys, he didn't like being away from Y/N for so long. He turned to the couch where she was waiting, his eyes meeting cat-like yellow ones.

"U-Undyne?" Alphys squeaked from behind him.

Undyne was sitting on the couch next to Y/N, her arm being used as a pillow. She was glaring daggers at Sans, barely blinking as he nonchalantly held her gaze. She moved slickly off the couch, letting Y/N fall gently into the plush cushions, and marched over to Sans. She was pissed.

"What the hell were you thinking!" She whispered angrily, "Why weren't you protecting Y/N!" Undyne grabbed Sans by the collar of his shirt. "You just stood back and watched her interact with that maniac! She could've been killed!" Sans flinched at her words, "But you would just watch from the sidelines! It is your duty to protect your soulmate!" Undyne's volume increased with each sentence, her eyes filled with rage. Alphys softly gripped onto Undyne's arm, distracting her from her outrage.

"Undyne, I'm sure he did everything he could!" Alphys spoke lowly, but shot a comforting smile to Sans.

"Well, he should have done more! Look at her!" Undyne gestured wildly towards Y/N's sleeping figure.

Sans could hear Undyne was still lecturing him, but he couldn't process what she said. All he could see was the pitiful sight of Y/N. She was curled tightly around herself, shivering wildly, as slow tears slid across her nose. Her hair was wild, and her clothes were torn and awkwardly pulled taut around her. Sans didn't waste another second, he pulled off his coat and draped it over her. It didn't seem to help. He dropped to his knees in front of her, wiping the dirt and tears away from her cheek. A strand of H/C hair fell in front of her face, which he pushed out of her face. This feels... Too familiar.

"Don't cry... It's just a bit of rain." Y/N coughed, blood dripping down her lip as she offered him a sad smile, "I-I'll be okay. Rain can't hurt me now." She softly touched his face, wiping away a tear. Her wet and sticky shirt clung to her frail body. Her voice was raspy and gurgled as her lungs filled with blood.

"W-What? It's not... It's not raining, Y/N" Sans muttered, pushing her hair out of her face. Her eyes filled with fear.

"But... I'm so wet and cold..." Y/N weakly gripped on to San's jacket, pulling him closer.

"I-I'm scared, Sans..."

Sans quickly retracted his hand, only to see it covered with blood. Undyne was right, he didn't protect her. He should've done more, or done anything. But he just watched it. And now he has Y/N's blood on his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N..." Sans breathed out painfully. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." Sans gently rested his forehead against hers, fighting back tears. Y/N seemed to relax in her sleep, the soft flow of tears coming to a halt.

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