Magic Humans and Monsters - Extra

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TW: Lemon/smut/graphic depictions of sex/adult themes

You do not have to read this! Nothing written in it directly relates to the plotline.

I mainly wrote it for those who might want it, and to improve my own skills :)



Y/N felt the room reappear around her. She was surprised when her back hit the bed, Sans's hands on each side of her head. A small laugh escaped her as she bounced into the soft cushion, Sans stared at her with a tiny smile.

"What?" She chuckled and reached up, placing a hand on the back of his neck limply.

He leaned in, "Of all the times I imagined throwing you down on this bed, I never thought you would laugh." A warm feeling of satisfaction rose from her stomach at the thought of him picturing her like that, wanting her like that.

Y/N scoffed playfully, "Well, it was fun!" She grinned and gently pulled him down to meet her lips, he didn't waste a second to deepen the kiss. Their tongues danced together in a passionate tango as their bodies moved against each other.

She groaned quietly at the sound of the sheets moving beneath them and the tingling sensation left from his every touch, it was mind-numbingly wonderful. But it wasn't enough. Y/N slid her hands beneath his silky gray jacket, urging it off his shoulders. She had wanted to touch him, to kiss him, for months. She clumsily fidgeted with the buttons of his undershirt as he fiddled with her zipper. But the wait was worth it, so long as she could keep hearing him whisper her name-

"Y/N..." Sans breathed quietly, his breath hot on her neck. -Like that. His shirt fell haphazardly to the ground, his now-bare chest reflected the 'moonlight' shining in through the window. She wanted him.

Sans's breath hitched as she brought her lips to him, gently sucking on the exposed bone. His reaction encouraged her to swipe her tongue along the bottom of his collarbone. His arms tightened around her and his body shuddered violently against hers. He ripped her head away from his shoulder to crash his mouth into hers once more, she dug her nails into his back as he moved quicker against her. Y/N's body felt weak, powerless against the feeling of his groin pushed to hers, and the slippery texture of his tongue. She could taste the vile wine from earlier still haunting the corners of his mouth, and she loved it.

A sudden burst of excitement shot through her body, giving her the confidence to push him back. She smirked at his surprised face as she crawled on his lap, mounting him. He grinned and pulled her into another heated kiss. They just couldn't get enough of each other.

Sans's hands slid over her body, touching her everywhere he could reach until they found their way up her back. The sound of the zipper being pulled down sent a nervous shiver through her body. Her mind was fuzzy with delight as his fingertips grazed over her bare skin. She shrugged the dress seductively off her shoulders, eager to further the fun. The chill of the air on her chest was exhilarating, and the thrill only heightened when Sans consumed her in his arms and with his kisses.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now