Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.32

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Sans opened his eyes to the exact same ceiling he had woken up to for- wait. No, that wasn't his ceiling. He was in Y/N's room. He heard a soft groan next to him and felt her cuddle closer. He could feel her completely nude body pressed against his. Right. Sans smiled softly as he rolled on his side, and there she was. Y/N was fast asleep in his arms, breathing slowly. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her sleeping figure, he didn't want to tear his eyes away from her sleeping figure. Strands of her H/C locks rested on her face above her slightly parted lips, he gently tucked her hair behind her ear and stroked it lovingly. What did he do to deserve such a perfect soulmate? Her eyes twitched and fluttered open to meet his, he was immediately lost in the beautiful E/C.

She smiled at him drowsily, "Good morning, honey." She mumbled, her arms tightening around him. He could already feel his soul glowing.

"Good morning, beautiful." Sans pressed a kiss to her forehead. She hummed contently and let her eyelids fall as she snuggled into his chest.

"Last night was fun." He murmured and nuzzled in her hair, the sweet scent of her shampoo delighting his nose.

"Mhmm..." She agreed softly before her eyes shot open. She pushed him back, "Um, Did you, uh, did you..." He gave her a confused look, "You know, in me...?" Her eyes were filled with dread, that only furthered when she saw his face drop. "Sans-"

She was interrupted by the sound of the front door being thrown open.

"Y/N! SANS!" Undyne shouted, he could hear her marching up the stairs. Y/N squeaked in panic and clawed her way out from under the covers to throw on a shirt. He couldn't help but smile, She was so adorable...

"Sans!" She whispered hastily, "Go to your room before she-" There was pounding on Y/N's door.

"Ay, Y/N! Wake up! I need to talk to you."

Y/N shoved him forcefully, trying to make him leave, "Okay, Undyne! Just give me a second, I need to..." She glanced around the room desperately, "I need to put on pants!" Sans stood up and frantically collected his clothes as she spoke.

The knocking softened to a silence, "...Why aren't you wearing pants?" Undyne's voice was muffled by the door, but it was dripping with suspicion.

"U-Uh..." Y/N stuttered and looked at him, only wearing a baggy t-shirt and panties. He smiled fondly at her, completely distracted from the issue at hand. How was she so cute, even when she was panicking?

"Sans!" She whispered almost silently and shook him, making him snap out of his trance. He nodded and leaned down, giving her a quick peck on the lips before teleporting to his room.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now