Magic Humans and Monsters Intro

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T/W: Suicidal Intent

Author's note:     A good amount of the magic lore is based around Harry Potter, especially the school scene. I have changed a few things up to keep it my own, and keep it from drifting too far into the 'Potter-verse'.  Thank you for checking it out! 

Another day, another class, another embarrassing 'failure'. But those failures were not accidents. 

At least the creature got to live for just another hour. Y/N thought, silently wiping away tears with the sleeve of her favorite sweater. She was staked out in the girls' laboratory, but not even that privacy could protect her for long. She would be there any minute, and she hated when Y/N spared innocent creatures in class.

"Oh Y/N~"

Speak of the devil.

Mel kicked open the stall next to hers, her sickening sweet voice echoing throughout the bathroom. Y/N scrambled on top of the toilet to hide her feet.

"I know you're in here, sweetie~" Her dark eyes met Y/N's through the crack in the stall, her 'charming' voice morphing into a snarl. 

"Do I need to teach you a lesson about respecting your superiors? You filthy unnatural."

Y/N flinched at the word and the soft chuckles of other girls. She should be used to it by now, since she was called unnatural at least three times a day, sometimes by the teachers, but it still stung. Magic people born from non-magic parents were far and few, with many not realizing their powers until much later in life. Unfortunately for Y/N, she had to learn at a very young age.

Mel ripped the door off its hinges with just the flick of her wand. Arms crossed, she stood in the typical mean girl stance, glaring down at Y/N. Just like usual, Mel's crew stood menacingly behind her. Letting out a sigh, Y/N stepped off the toilet lid and stared Mel in the face. She may be 'weak' according to them, but she was not going to let them take away her dignity.

"Oh~ho~ho~! Trying to look tough, huh?" She pouted with a condescending tone, "What're you going to do? Spare me!" Mel's goons burst out laughing, encouraging a malicious grin to sneak onto her 'pretty' face. With the speed of thunder, Mel launched at Y/N,  pushing her against the wall and making stumble back onto the toilet. 

Mel leaned in close, her heavily mascaraed eyelashes creating a shadow in her already dark eyes, as she whispered, "You useless, weak, disgusting unnatural. You never should have been born, and everyone would just be happier if you just disappeared."  Y/N could feel her freshly manicured 'claws' digging into her shoulder.

Tears swelled in Y/N's eyes. Mel knew just as well as everyone else that she was struggling with thoughts like that. In fact, the whole school knew because of Mel's little stunt with her private journal. Just the memory of seeing those secret words mocked in the school newspaper forced her lip to quiver.

"Aww, Are you going to cry? How pathetic is that?" Mel spun around happily, searching for her followers' mindless agreement, which was given immediately. Y/N tried to dry her cheeks with her school sweater, but the tears just kept coming. 

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