Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.33

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Y/N's leg bounced nervously as she sat on the toilet lid. She held a tight grip on the pregnancy test as the mark slowly appeared. The seconds seemed to drag out as she waited. And waited. And waited. The box said 3-5 minutes, but surely it had been months. She peeked at the test once more, the mark was still too faint to tell if it was positive or negative, but one line was starting to darken. Y/N could feel her heart pounding in her head. She hadn't told Sans, but she secretly hoped it would be positive. No, she didn't hope it would be positive, she was... She wanted... ...She didn't know. But she definitely wouldn't be upset if it were positive.

"Hey, how's it going in there?" Sans's voice was muffled by the door.

"Still waiting." She sighed, "Feels like we've been waiting for years."

He chuckled, "Yeah..."

Y/N looked at the test again, one line was getting increasingly darker while the other... It wasn't. She felt her heart drop. Maybe that one was just taking longer, and it would appear in a few more minutes. So she waited. She waited and stared at the nearly invisible line, unconsciously praying it would darken. But it didn't. The first line was clear and unmistakeable while the other was the same as it had been when she first opened the test. Maybe if she waited just a bit longer... She felt her eyes well with tears that she fought back strenuously. It was stupid to cry over a negative pregnancy test. It was what she wanted. It wasn't the right time to have a baby, anyway. But she couldn't help but wait just a few more seconds, searching for any sign that the second line would come into view. It didn't. Y/N gathered up all of her courage and stood, her legs were shaky. Why were they shaky?  She took a deep breath, forced on a small smile, and opened the door. Sans was leaning on the wall next to the door but perked up excitedly when she came out.

"So?" His grin faltered slightly at the sight of her. She handed him the test, not trusting her voice. She knew it would crack if she tried to say the words.

His face fell as he read the small symbol, "Oh..." He read the test a few more times, as if making sure it was actually negative.

"Well..." He finally sighed, "At least we don't have to worry about that..." 

The air around them was tense and gloomy. Neither one of them wanted to acknowledge the fact that they had already moved all of his stuff into her room to 'make room for other things'. Or the fact that they had spent an entire afternoon cleaning up his old room and making it pretty and safe. Or that they talked about baby names, baby toys, and baby furniture every night before they fell asleep.


Sans laughed sadly, "I don't know if I should say this, but..." He rubbed his face, "Well, I was kind of hoping..." He stopped. He couldn't get the words out.

She wrapped her arms around him, "Me too." He pulled her close and rested his chin on her head.

"Hey..." He smiled weakly, "...Do you want to do something stupid?" She took a moment to process his words.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now