Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.23

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Y/N trudged through the thick snow, shivering. She needed to start bringing a jacket everywhere she went. As her house came into view, she picked up her pace. Despite her anxiety about what would happen, she was still excited to see Sans again, and she didn't hesitate to throw open the door.

"Hey! I'm home!" She called out happily, carefully pushing the door closed. But she was met with silence. "Sans?" Y/N looked around the house, he wasn't in the kitchen, he wasn't in the living room or bathroom, maybe he's in his room? She stomped the snow off of her feet and ripped off her shoes. She trotted up the stairs in her wooly socks and knocked on his door.

"Sans? You in there?"


"I'm coming in, okay?"


Y/N took a deep breath and cautiously opened the door. ...Nope, not in here. She glanced around the messy room a few more times before heading back downstairs. He would be back soon, he never left the house for too long. She could surprise him! Y/N smiled enthusiastically as she almost ran into the kitchen. If he was still mad at her, some cookies would lighten the mood. And she could make hot chocolate to go with them! It had become somewhat of a tradition to have hot chocolate everytime one of them was upset. She gathered the ingredients she needed to make her mother's' famous' chocolate chip cookies. Baking cookies with her mom was one of the few good memories she had left of her. Y/N sighed, a bittersweet feeling sinking in her stomach at the thought of her mother. But that was neither here nor there, she had a friend to apologize to.


Y/N wiped her brow as she observed the plate of cookies sitting on the table in between two mugs of hot chocolate. She reached for her phone to check the time, getting mildly frustrated when it didn't turn on. Shoot, she forgot to charge it. She started towards her room, but a charger next to the couch caught her eye. She plugged in her phone, hearing the satisfying 'charging' noise. Perfect! Why didn't she use that charger more often? Y/N hummed to herself and sat down at the table, patiently waiting for Sans to come back home. 

She sipped her hot chocolate slowly until it became cold. The cookies began to stale, but Sans would be home any minute. Y/N pouted as she covered the cookies and wrote a small note.

'Welcome home! I'm in the shower, but I'll be out soon. - Luv, Y/N <3'

She propped the note up against the cookies before fetching something comfortable to change into after her shower.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now