Magic Humans and Monsters Ch. 15

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There was no ice.

Y/N gawked at the small pink heart floating lamely in front of her, she couldn't process what she was staring at. How was there no ice? There was always ice before, even when she was little.

What happened last night?

Y/N gently prodded at her soul, sending a strangely warm and satisfying feeling through her body. Y/N gasped in surprise, she had never felt that when she touched it before. She felt so... vulnerable... She suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable having her soul out in the open with no protection at all, and quickly reabsorbed it. She wanted to go home. Why wasn't her soul protected anymore?

What happened last night?

Her attention shifted to her phone, sitting on the corner of the table. Y/N clicked on the familiar contact, 'Sansy~', the nickname always brought a smile to her face, it reminded her of her first day out of The Ruins, but not even happy memories could cheer her up now. Y/N was confused and scared, and she wanted answers. She needed answers. She held the phone to her ear as it rang, no answer.

"Hey, I'm not at the tele-bone right now, but don't get bone-ly. Leave a message, and I'll probably ignore it. Ya know, since I'm such a lazy-bones." Beep

"Hey Sans, we need to talk. About last night. Please call me back as soon as you get this. Since you're not here, I'm going to head home. Just... Call me back." Y/N huffed as she ended the message. Numbskull. Y/N gathered her things and started for the door, pulling the F/C beanie Toriel had given her on her head. She took one last glance around the room before closing the door behind her.

What happened last night?

Last night was a mistake.

Sans groaned into his hands. How could he let himself lose control like that? Y/N didn't feel that way about him. But... That look she gave him... Sans shook his head softly, a dull aching pain behind his eyes. No. That didn't mean anything. She was completely wasted, she wasn't in her right mind. At least there's almost no way she remembers... He sighed heavily. Sans looked around his work station, mindlessly thumbing at the old, near illegible blueprints. His eyes settled on the broken machine, his failure. His repeated failure. He tried so many times to fix it, but no matter how he looked at the blueprints, he never got it right. Sans sighed, as uncomfortable as the place made him, it was easy to hide there. No one but him knew where it was, not even Papyrus. He tapped the screen of his charging phone, checking to see if it had woken up yet. The screen lit up, a few notifications buzzing at him. A text for Alphys, asking about Brandon, Papyrus asking how his night was, and... Sans cringed, one voicemail from Y/N.

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