Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.26

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T/W - 


Adult themes

The air was thick and stuffy in the dirty room, leaving a putrid taste in the back of his mouth. Sans sighed, rolling onto his back on his stiff bed. He slowly sunk into the indention in his mattress, created by constant use. He had been spending more time in his room for the past few days, mainly to avoid Y/N. Ever since he broke down in front of her, there was an uncomfortable strain on their relationship -friendship-, making it nearly impossible to interact with each other. They were both on edge at all times, and it was taking a toll on Sans. The awkwardness made him so tense, he could barely walk out of his room. He just had to 'relieve some stress' and then maybe everything would go back to normal.

Sans took a deep, shaky breath and closed his eyes. He thought about Y/N, and the night they got drunk. He focused on the feel of her hands touching his back and the taste of her mouth as he mindlessly fiddled with his waistband. He imagined throwing her down on the bed and tearing off her shirt, he pictured her smiling beneath him and gasping his name. Sans exhaled unsteadily and slowly pushed his hand into his-

Two knocks came at the door before it flew open, Y/N trotting in cheerily and sending Sans into a flurry as he tried to hide what he was doing by clumsily grabbing his blanket.

"Hey Sans, I'm going to- Oh my god!" Y/N froze and stared at him awkwardly.

"Get out!" Sans shouted, bright blue and struggling to cover himself with his blanket. Y/N snapped out of her shock and bolted out the door, closing it hastily.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to-" As she processed what exactly happened, she began to snicker painfully. "-interrupt your alone time... I was uh, just letting you know I'm going bridal shopping with Mettaton." Y/N took a shallow breath, trying to calm her uncomfortable giggles, "Next time I'll just... Leave a note or something. Okay, I'm leaving now!" 

Sans buried his face in his hands, overwhelmed with embarrassment. That was the last thing their already-wavering bond needed. Maybe he could make it up to her by cleaning her room or some shit. But for now, he was going to wallow. He flopped down in his bed and planted his face in the mattress, letting shame engulf him as he groaned loudly.


Y/N leisurely sipped from a glass of red wine and leaned back into the plush white couch. Alphys and Undyne affectionately shared a one-person armchair, nuzzling their noses together and feeding each other red velvet cake. Both the sofa and armchair faced towards a large white curtain that Mettaton was slipping into another dress behind. Y/N gently set her glass next to an aged bottle of wine and a double-decker cake, decorated brightly with a wedding theme. She felt obligated to drink and eat a little bit, no matter how disgusting the wine was. Y/N lazily pulled out her phone to check the time but was delayed when Mettaton burst out of the curtains dramatically, modeling his 17th dress.

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