Magic Humans and Monsters Ch. 2

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Y/N was lying back in her bed, drawing small pictures with her wand, a light glow tracing her image. It had been two weeks since she fell- or more jumped- into the underground, and she was already bored. She didn't understand how Toriel could survive in this place. And for 10 years! She thought back to Toriel's stories from before she moved into The Ruins, and her husband, Asgore. She told the most romantic story about how her and Asgore met, and how they realized they were soulmates. The story was sweet, but it made Y/N kind of sad. She wanted that, but she knew she couldn't have it. She could never know for sure if she had met her soulmate, because of her frozen soul. Y/N's magical picture faded as she stepped out of bed, she was starting to get a bit peckish and wanted some breakfast. Opening the door, she could already smell Toriel had something cooking, pancakes? Maybe sausage? She couldn't tell exactly, but it smelled delicious. She raced to the dining room, where Toriel was setting down a giant plate with waffles and sausage. Darn, so close! Maybe next time...

"Good morning Toriel!" Y/N gleamed, making Toriel jump with her sudden entrance.

"Oh, hello, child." She looked to Y/N, then back to the food. "There's something I would like to discuss with you. Maybe over breakfast?" Something about her seemed sad, which made Y/N nervous.

"Y-yeah! Um, what's up?" Toriel served her a plate with a perfect ratio of sausage to waffle, and began.

"Well, you see... Oh gosh, how do I say this..." She sighed, "I've noticed that you've gotten rather bored with being here." Y/N cringed slightly, Was she that obvious about it? 

"And" Toriel continued, "I have been selfish keeping you locked up. I may have.... exaggerated just how violent the world is beyond those doors. The only monster you must look out for is my husband, the King." Toriel had never mentioned her husband was royalty before, but Y/N didn't find it fitting to ask about at the moment. 

"So... I think you should go... I'll give you enough money to stay at an Inn for three days, and after that, please return to me. If you don't, then I will assume you have... Passed on." Toriel's eyes watered. "B-But please stay with me one more night, and you can leave in the morning." Toriel refused to meet Y/N's gaze.

"Okay. Thank you, Toriel." Y/N smiled gently, taking her paw into her hand. "I will come back, don't worry. I... Um..." Her face faltered, She was unsure if she should say the next words. But she felt like she needed to say them. 

"I love you, mom" Toriel let out a soft cry, taking Y/N into her arms.

"I love you too, my child." Toriel's embrace was so warm and comforting, Y/N barely noticed the tears sliding down her own cheeks. It had been so long since she'd heard those words. So long since she'd... Had a mother. She tightened her grip around Toriel, relishing in the fact that someone cared again.

They spent the day together, baking, gardening, reading, and enjoying each other's company. Then came the night. Toriel was reluctant to let Y/N go to bed, as if staying awake would keep tomorrow from arriving. She eventually gave in when Y/N began to fake yawn and weigh down her eyelids. But how could she sleep! She was too excited! She would be able to explore the whole underground and finally meet her friend face to face. She squealed quietly, it was almost midnight, the time when she met up with Sans. Y/N silently snuck out of her room and down the stairs.

Hearing those two rhythmic knocks on the door filled Y/N with delight.

"Who's there!" She called cheerfully.


"Woo who?"

"Hey don't get too excited, it's just a joke."

God, that was terrible. But Y/N couldn't help but let out a snort. What was it about this guy that made him so funny?  

"That was your worst one yet!" She giggled.

"Eh, you say that every time." He responded, nonchalantly. He got her there.

Y/N quipped back, "Yeah its cause you keep finding new levels of bad!" 

"Anyway, what's up?"

Y/N's chest filled with excitement, "Toriel's going to let me leave tomorrow! I get to explore the whole underground, and I'm super excited!" Her smile only grew with each word.

"Oh, you're joining the rest of us out here? Well, if you need a tour guide, I could show ya around." He hesitated, "When are you leaving, anyhow?"

"Tomorrow morning! And you'd don't need to show me around, but I could use some tips on the best places to go." Y/N secretly wanted him to, but she also wanted to explore on her own. She learned it was easier to be independent, relying on people only disappointed her. Plus, she didn't want to take him away from his normal life.

He thought for a second, "Alright, well, there's only one place that's really worth mentioning. Grillby's."

"What's Grillby's?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

Y/N laughed, "That's not very helpful, but thanks anyway." She leaned her head against the door, making a soft thud sound. A thought entered her head, and a mischievous smirk formed on her lips. 

"Hey Sans, what did the blanket say when it fell off the bed?"

"Hmmm, what?"

"Oh sheet!"


"Well, you tried." Sans said plainly.

"Hey! That was a good one! It deserved a laugh. ...At least a pity laugh?" Y/N pleaded.

"Fine, but only because you asked so defensively." He mocked. An obviously forced laugh came from the other side of the door. 

Y/N pouted and mumbled, "It was funny and you know it." A comfortable quiet fell between them.

"Well," Y/N broke the silence, "I should probably go to bed. I've got a big day tomorrow, after all"

"Ah, alright." He sounded almost... disappointed? No, that was just wishful thinking.

"Talk to you tomorrow. Or, maybe see you tomorrow?" Y/N waited anxiously for a response.

"Yeah, of course, Y/N. See you tomorrow."

Y/N grinned from ear to ear, She hadn't been so excited to see a friend in years. It was dangerous, but she couldn't help but look forward to it. She stood and made her way upstairs, daydreaming about what the world looked like outside of those doors.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now