Magic Humans and Monsters Ch. 4

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Y/N plopped down on the old green couch. The cushions were worn down, but still plush enough for her to sink into them. Sans sat back next to her, throwing his feet onto her legs and leaning back.

"Tell Doctor Sans what's on your mind" He joked.

Y/N laughed, "You're so annoying." She attempted to push away his legs to no avail. " I'll tell you if you get your feet off of me." He rolled his eyes playfully and set his feet on the floor.

"Now, you have to tell me your embarrassing secret." He winked. Y/N sighed.

"Fine, but only because I need help..." She waited for him to protest, but instead, he nodded and motioned for her to continue. She pouted her lip slightly in frustration and began.

"Okay, So... Geez, how do I even go about saying this... I'll just start at the beginning. Okay... Um, ever since I was young, I've always wanted to fall in love and have children." She could feel her face heating up, "But now I'm stuck here, and I can't leave so... I guess I'm asking... Uh, two things actually..." She paused and rubbed her face stressfully. "Can monsters and humans have children, and if so, do you know any... eligible bachelors...?" Y/N was thoroughly embarrassed and too uncomfortable to look at him until he responded. But, Sans started giggling.

"Sans, I'm serious!" Y/N pouted at him with bright red cheeks.

"Yeah yeah I know." He took a deep breath, "I don't know about the kid thing, but I think I know someone who might. But I gotta ask one question." Y/N huffed, but agreed. " Why don't you want to wait for your soulmate?" She physically winced, the question was like a dagger in her heart.

She glanced at him tensely, "I... Uh, I can't know who my soulmate is, even if I met them..." She averted her eyes, "My soul is frozen." 

Sans stared at her, confused. "Frozen? I've never heard of anything like that before." Did he seriously not believe her? Why the fuck would she lie about something like that!

"What, you want proof?" Y/N snapped, she quickly realized her anger was uncalled for. "I'm sorry, It's just... A sensitive subject."

"Yeah." Sans said blankly, "If you're willing to show proof, I want to see it." Y/N glanced at him and saw he was serious. So he really didn't believe her. No one ever did. She rolled her eyes and silently placed her hands on her chest, drawing out her soul. The feeling of her soul leaving her body was similar to having the air knocked out of her, but left her feeling empty. Her soul glowed dimly in front of them, solid ice encasing the light pink heart.

"Woah..." Sans studied her soul with a scientific interest, absentmindedly reaching a hand out to touch it. Y/N yelped and sucked her soul back into her body.

"What do you think you're doing!" She clutched her chest protectively. 

Sans looked to his hand and quickly pulled back. "Sorry, I've just never seen anything like that before... It was beautiful." He replayed the scene in his head, lost in his thoughts. He didn't notice the light blush spread across Y/N's face from his words. Showing someone a soul was incredibly intimate, and calling a soul beautiful is practically calling an entire person's essence beautiful.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now