Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.35

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Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god.

Y/N paced around the white room frantically while her friends attempted to calm her. It was all too much. Too much too quickly. She wrung her hands together and sped up, the small clicks of her glass heels on the sleek granite floor were driving her mad.

Mettaton tried to stand in front of her, "Darling, slow down! You're going to mess up your hair!" Y/N walked around him, ignoring his advice. The dress was too fluffy. Her hair was too tight. She was wearing too much makeup. Her eyes started to tear up.

"Stop freaking out or else I'll havta come over there and make you!" Undyne called from the corner of the room. She knew her threat was empty since Mettaton forced her to stay in the corner so she wouldn't get carried away and step on Y/N's dress. She might as well step on it, everything else was ruined.

"H-Hey, Y/N!" Alphys gently pulled her arm, forcing her to stop her panicked parade.

"Everything is wrong! I-I can't-! I can't do this!" Y/N exclaimed, "First, the flowers were cut too short, then MK got sick so we don't have a ring bearer, now the bridesmaid dresses come and they're not even the right color!"

"The pink is just a little off, it's not that bad-"

"No, it's completely different!" She started to pace again, "It was supposed to be baby pink, not light pink! Light pink doesn't go with baby blue at all!" She cried out and buried her face in her hands, weeping in frustration.

"No! Your makeup!" Mettaton ripped her hands away from her eyes, but the damage had already been done. Now everybody was panicking. The room dissolved into chaos as Undyne ran to fetch the makeup and hair artists again, Mettaton and Alphys desperately tried to clean up the smeared black eyeliner under her eyes, and Y/N began sobbing violently.


Sans straightened his light blue bowtie in the mirror. It wasn't the exact color they wanted, but he couldn't care less. He was just happy to be marrying Y/N. His soul fluttered happily at the thought.

"Hey Sans, how are you feeling?" Grillby put a sizzling hand on his shoulder.

"Excited." Sans hummed, a giant grin growing on his face.

Grillby and Napstablook shared a glance, "That's good. But, aren't you nervous?" Grillby questioned.

Sans chuckled, "Nope. Why would I be?" He turned to them with a relaxed smile, "She's my soulmate."

"Most people are nervous regardless." Grillby sighed sadly, "I remember panicking about something going wrong right before my wedding." Sans pat his arm comfortingly.

"Well, I don't really care about that." He smiled softly, "I mean, we're getting married either way."

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