Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.24

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T/W  :   Language & alcohol

Sans felt himself hit the ground with a thud and groaned drowsily at the pain. His head throbbed viciously as he struggled to open his eyes. He could hear quick shuffling and chattering teeth, he almost felt like he recognized the sound. What was he just doing? Was he dreaming? What's going on-  His thoughts were interrupted by water dumped over his face, waking him with a start. Undyne loomed over him with anger in her eyes and an empty glass in her hand. "Undyne?" Sans coughed lethargically, the water beginning to freeze to his bones, "Why?" Undyne's glare intensified.

"Look at Y/N!" Undyne grabbed him by his collar and forced him to turn towards the couch where Y/N lay, shivering violently. Her drenched clothes were gripping to her body tightly and her wet hair was tangled around her head. "You failed to protect her again! Actually, this time you fucking caused it!" Sans scrambled away from her to the trembling girl going in and out of consciousness.

"Y/N!" He went to grab her hand, but hesitated, remembering all the times she had been sent into a blind panic from his touch. He cautiously placed his hand next to her bright red fingertips. "Y/N..." Her eyes flickered open and filled with pained relief. She coughed slightly at the intense smell of alcohol.

"S-Sans... You're o-ok-kay..." She smiled weakly, wrapping her hands around his. Her face dropped with worry, "Y-You're f-freezing..." She stuttered and pulled his hand to her lips, rubbing it desperately to warm him up.

"It doesn't affect me, Y/N..." Sans tucked her hair behind her ear and held her face, making her wince in pain. He quickly pulled away from her. His hand left a cold pink mark on her otherwise drained-of-color cheeks. Shit, he was hurting her. He stared at his hands in horror, a ball of guilt formed in his stomach as her eyes rolled back and she passed out once again, her breathing dangerously shallow.

"Sans, get away from her! You're making it worse!" Undyne pushed him back and draped a blanket over her freezing body.

"I don't know what to do!" He cried out.

"I don't either! Just leave! Go... Go take a shower! You fucking reek." Undyne demanded as she tightened the blanket around Y/N's figure frantically. Sans shuffled sadly towards the bathroom, but froze when the plate of cookies and the not-so-hot chocolate on the table caught his eye. The ball of guilt in his stomach grew dramatically when he picked up the note.

'Welcome home! I'm out looking for you because I got worried, so if you see this, call me, please. - Y/N'

"What the fuck are you doing?" Undyne roared, marching towards him. "Get your boney ass in the shower, punk!" She grabbed his shoulder violently and dragged him to the bathroom, throwing him in roughly and slamming the door behind him.

Undyne heard Y/N weakly call her name and sprinted to the couch. "What is it? What do you need?" She took Y/N's hands in hers, gently rubbing them to warm her up.

Magic Humans and Monsters (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now