Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.9

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"We need to go back to The Ruins, now. Toriel is in trouble."

Sans's heart dropped. Y/N was desperately gripping onto his hand, her eyes full of pure terror. There wasn't time to do a walking-teleport, she was just going to feel dizzy for a while. He pulled her into a tight hug and closed his eyes, hoping that there was still time.

Y/N felt the ground disappear from beneath her feet. She had never felt that before when he teleported her, she would always just take a step and be in a new place. She felt like she was spinning, it made her nauseous. Suddenly, she felt herself slam into the ground, her head was pounding. But she didn't have time to be sick, Toriel was in danger. She had to save her. She couldn't lose another mother. Y/N forced herself out of Sans's embrace, dizzily rushing to the entrance of The Ruins. She whispered the word Toriel taught her that unlocked the door. She could feel the magic flowing through her hands as the door creaked open. Shouting, pleading, and crying came from inside. Y/N threw the door open, revealing a scene that shocked Y/N to her core.

Toriel was on her knees, begging a man not to hurt Y/N. Y/N. She wasn't worried about her own wellbeing, even though she was the one held hostage.

A wand.

Dread filled Y/N, she knew the power of a wand, and she knew what that meant for Toriel.

Y/N didn't even look to the person holding her mother hostage, she didn't have time. Her sudden entrance had spooked them, and a deadly spell came from the wand, that was still pointing at Toriel.

"NO!" Y/N's scream pierced the air, golden energy exploding from her, forming a powerful shield in front of Toriel. The death spell flared around the golden shield, but none of the red energy reached Toriel. She was safe.

"Y-Y/N?" A familiar voice ran towards her, their wand fell to their side, the red magic suddenly ceased. The golden shield dissolved into bright waves of magic, flowing around the walls and ceiling like the Northern Lights. Y/N felt weak and exhausted, but at least Toriel was safe. She fell into warm, muscular arms. They were so familiar, but she couldn't quite place who the person was. She tilted her head weakly, her eyes meeting with dark blue.

"Brandon?" Y/N mumbled. Brandon gave her his infamous slanted smile, but the concern was still obvious in his features.

"The one and only." He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, his eyes flicking up to the monsters watching on. Toriel looked frightened, but Sans... Sans looked pissed. Brandon pulled Y/N to his side protectively. "What did they do to you?" He growled, threatening the monsters more than asking Y/N.

"Hey, buddy. If you know what's good for you, you'll get your filthy hands off of her." There was venom in Sans's words, with the flick of his wrist, he summoned Y/N's near unconscious body into his arms. She loosely wrapped her arms around his neck, fighting to keep her eyes open. Sans tucked her behind him, keeping her away from danger. Brandon raised his wand pointedly at Sans. Y/N watched in horror as red sparked from the tip of his wand, threatening another deadly attack. The golden magic still flowing around the room reformed into a shield in front of Sans, though it was much weaker. Y/N's body shook violently as she firmly stabled herself against Sans. With his help, she stood up straight, meeting Brandon's gaze with pleading E/C eyes.

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