Magic Humans and Monsters Ch.17

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"I'm ready."

Y/N hands curled into tight fists, her nails digging into her palms. She heard Alphys say something through the intercom, but her thundering heartbeat muffled the world around her. The heavy door slowly slid open, making an awful screeching sound. Undyne went in first, spear already locked onto her target. Y/N followed, staring at the ground until she heard the door close behind her. When her eyes met Brandon's, she was shocked. This man, who had done so much to hurt her and called it love, the one person in the world she thought she could trust, the best friend who betrayed her, had the audacity to cry. Anger boiled in her stomach at the pathetic sight of him. He sat on his flimsy bed, hair greasy and tangled, his clothes awkwardly twisted around his body, and tears streaking down his face from his now grey eyes. The blue in his eyes was gone along with his determination. All the pain he caused her, and he was the one sitting in front of her, crying.

"Y-Y/N..." Brandon stuttered weakly. She gritted her teeth at the sound of his voice. He pushed himself off the bed forcefully, almost charging at her. Undyne blocked him a foot away from her.

"Hey, punk! Here's what's gonna happen. Y/N's soul melted, so just to confirm that you are NOT her soulmate, you're gonna touch it for no longer than one second. Got it, punk?" Undyne held her spear against his throat threateningly, but from the smirk on his face, he didn't seem to mind.

"You're going to see, we're going to be together!" Brandon grinned maniacally, the blue returning to his eyes. Undyne pushed him back Y/N felt nauseous seeing his excitement. Undyne glanced back at Y/N, as if reassuring her that everything will be alright, and encouraging her to take out her soul. She nodded, swallowing hard as her trembling hands pulled at her chest. Y/N closed her eyes, gritting through the uncomfortable feeling of removing her soul. She peeked open her eyes just in time to see Brandon launch himself at her soul before Undyne could react. 

Panic fled through Y/N's body as his fingers wrapped around her soul, desperately grabbing her. At his unwanted touch, her soul shriveled up and dulled, making her feel extremely violated. She felt like he was grabbing every part of her being, she could feel his invasive grip all over her body, on her arms, on her neck, on her feet, even in her mouth, it felt like there wasn't a single part of her he wasn't touching. Y/N screamed and tried to recall her soul, but Brandon refused to let go. At least until Undyne's spear pierced his stomach and pinned him on the opposite wall. Undyne quickly chauffeured Y/N out of the room, Y/N clutching her chest and weeping. Alphys dashed into the room to treat Brandon's wounds, slamming the door shut behind her.

"What the hell?" Sans yelled as he seized Y/N away from Undyne and cradled her in his arms. Y/N quivered against him, weakly clasping his shirt. She felt so helpless and fragile, like the second he let go of her, she would just fall apart. She felt disgusting and used. "Hey, Y/N, it's okay, it's okay..." Sans whispered, his fingers gliding through her H/L hair soothingly. He rested his mouth against her forehead and kept her close. Y/N's breathing slowly steadied and her grip loosened as she processed what happened to her, realizing she wasn't injured, she relaxed slightly.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I should've been quicker to see what he was doing, I'm sorry." Undyne muttered guiltily, staring at her feet.

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