Chapter 8-3: If This Is Our End...

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"Ma'am Alpha and Bravo company are being pushed back by enemy forces."
"Echo Fox and Golf are have sustained massive casualties."
"Send in the 3 division to provide support. Have Lima company assistant in casualty collection. India and Kilo provide support for Bravo and Alpha!"
"Yes ma'am!"

Even with little numbers on your side can can you possibly hold back 4 divisions. Unless we go through with a full assault even you Y/N won't be able to destroy airships. My men are fighting a winning battle yet. You rip away their hope with those lifeless eyes of yours.


Winters forces strikes fast and ruthless. Each company that were boots on the ground were two hundred maybe more. And yet that fight like green horns straight out of basic training. After this they should beef up Atlas training.
"Eren!!" A woman cried out. Turning to the sound of terror a laid eyes on several Atlas soldiers, surrounding one man, with bayonets attached to their rifles. If our line breaks it could collapse the whole formation.
An overconfident soldier war cried over my head. I just moved automatically. Switching my large blade into an axe the top of my weapon meet the solider open mouth. Smashing him in the ground completely severing the upper jaw from pretty much the rest of the body.
More began to gather around. If I don't hurry our left flank with break down. If the axes blade could start from the bottom and side up to the top then maybe?
I waited for solider that were around me to funnel themselves into becoming a spear or sorts. If I just vision it in my head then maybe I can make my imagination become a physical thing.
Throwing my sword behind my back the pieces of the axe pushed out closings together forming a small shield. In Moments I could feel the pressure of everyone pushing me forward. Everything was set now make dreams become a reality! Toppling everyone's footing swing my blade over my shoulder spinning on the balls of my heels, the pieces of the axe swung upward. With a little force I should be able to cut through them all!
I was only able to cut down three everyone else flapped on their asses. Whatever.

Everyone is fighting all forty of us. Ten already died. Milla stuck with Archer they held the far right position. Saber and lancer held the most center of the battlefield. Raven was on the back left so if the left flank were fall Raven would be alone. Rita and Cage were helping with people leaving the tribe. Asuka would be useful here but we can't have Atlas know Raven is hiding a maiden here.
"Flank her!" An atlas soldier instructed three others to gang up on one person. I leaped off a natural boulder throwing my blade that the leader that called out orders. As the sword pierced and stuck throw the ground the body had go limp. Another became my feet's door mate.

I'm not sure where I remembered this but a lone child was protected by a warrior, I think they were a woman. When Grimm were going to attack this child this warrior basically created a circle around this child. This warrior knew their limitations go to far out you can cover an appropriate area. Go to far in you'll get over run. So she danced around the boy cutting down Grimm after grim.
I may not be a woman or know how to dance by I know how to keep others was from things I want to keep safe.
Back flip over my friend my grim arm clawed deep into the third soldier throat. His head smashed in the ground all was left was a twist and snap. I reached out for my weapon as slither Grimm tentacles wrapped around the handle retrieving my weapon for me. The body that was stuck to it flew off. The fourth soldier was cut down the middle in one fluid motion.
"You're done." I said, "get back to camp run with the others. If anyone's wounded along the way take them with you."
I really wish I had breakfast this morning. Don't want to over do myself.
Seeing those ships so close but so far leaves me with an unwelcome feeling. My scroll rang, Cage was calling. I guess that's it. Its time to push people back.

More Atlas solider pushed through the left flank. Humans and androids alike. Whether they are blood or oil, veils or wires Raven was ruthless regardless. Pass through the current assault she couldn't save everyone nor could she let more die. Even with all fifty fighters that stood back at least 2 percent of them were just teens.
An Android shattered the child's spear. Tears filled their eyes as a machine with no soul was there ended. The droid jolted forward a single edge blade protruded through the machines chest. The blade twisted until the edge faced upward. Raven wrapped her free arm around the machine waist popping her hip out as machine flew over her head. Raven charged forward as bullets and beam shot fired across the field the metal shield Raven used was her only defense. As piece ether fell off or were shot off leaped off the ground pressed both feet on the machine pushing it off her sword.
Safely landing one solider snuck up behind Raven having a battle pointed at her head. Over confidence was this solider down fall. A snicker escaped their lips. Dashing to the side bullet hit the ground. Raven faced the masked individual. Lunging forward her sword entering the gap between the solider side and bicep. Their arm twisted back completely snapping however Raven maintained control of their arm as their rifle fired at Atlas forces.

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