Chapter 3-7: Drastic Myself, Drastic My Soul

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"How could you! How can you just relentlessly kill family like this!" Hold my Grimm form My father and I would parry each of our attacks. Even though I felt fast, stronger! Bael was keeping up with me like he wasn't even breaking a sweat.
"Sometimes people have to commit a greater evil to over come a lesser evil."
"EVIL! You consider aunt Suzuka's off spring EVIL!" Grabbing a large chunk of wood swing towards Bael, which he easily cut through with one slash of Siegfried, "you sonofvabitch!" Leaping towards Bael with my Aoi following behind slamming down on him only parry my strike.
I recall once, a long time ago, I acted aggressively towards Takumi and Hinoka like this where I was consumed with anger. Not being able to control myself, but now I felt like everything was acting the way it needed to. I had a goal in mind to kill Bael Kamwui what ever the cost. But I can't go all out while Raven and Summer are in the way. I can't retrieve Summer otherwise that would place Raven at risk of being attack, I can't move Raven otherwise Bael will go after Summer.
"What's. The. MATTER!" Bael Air spin kicked the side of my face cracking side of the armor, "unless you start getting serious on me you're gonna end up dead." His eyes glanced over towards Summer's unconscious body laying flat on the deck, "maybe I'll help you, just a little more. VicViper!"
That large Grimm, A Grimm appeared its body took shape that of a wolf, it's fangs hung over its lower jaw, a tail shaper that a death stalker, wings that took shape of single edge blades that looked organic. It's eyes burned red starring directly at Summer Rose. Charging head first towards Summer.
"What will it be Y/N!!! One life or two life's! Which ones are move valuable to you!"
My legs felt frozen, time wasn't on my side. I need to think. No thinking will get everyone killed! Act. I need to just do it. I have power it's covering me like white on rice! What kind of a lesson is my old man trying to say. I have to commit myself to a greater evil than his. If so then, I'll bear the exile no one else should burned themselves with this. My chest felt a burning sensation. A beat in me bumping up ever so often. Fight I just have to FIGHT!!!

Holding out my right arm catching this VicViper Grim by its head, it only pushed me back a few inches until it completely stop. Four additional claws sprouted from my right arm clinging onto the Grimm, "is that all you GOT!!!" Rising it up above the deck slamming it down repeatedly on the deck the shock wave rocked the ship back and forth. Bael ran from the corner of my eye toward Raven and Moka. I could feel my veins popping out of my body lifting up this Grim over my head, "OH! FUCK NO!" Slamming the Grimm back on the deck preventing Bael's advancement.
That should hold him long enough. Picking up Summer bridal style jump towards Raven and Moka.
-Qrow and Tai made it to. Good.
"Holy shit..." Tai starred in awe at me he looked a little shorter? Was it just the form or have I been this tall?
"Y/N you all there right? Your not gonna go crazy or anything?" Qrow tried to make confirmation. Ha.Ha very funny.
"Yeah I'm all here, Qrow." My helmet split in half, reveling my face, "all of you guys get to ship."
"What about you?!" Raven asked. Her crimson eyes were beautiful it was almost criminal.
I looked back at the VicViper as still remained on the ground, "I'm gonna end what this old man started. I'll be back. I promise, Raven."
As everyone escaped off the Order of Sword I controlled my breathing. I wonder what would Nu would say to me right now if she saw me fighting my old man. What would Mom say about this? Hell everyone would give my dad a hard if I beat him. The thought easily put a smile on my face. No reason just thought I loosen the tension in the situation.
"Not bad, Y/N..." Dad lifted up VicViper with both arms, throwing it off to the side, "you feeling a bit motivated?"
"Shut up and fight." My helmet closed.
Running up on each other our blades clashed back and forth. The rain above us wasn't able to come in contact with our bodies. Cutting the air around us making a dome around our area. Crossing swords the rain finally fell on us. The middle portion of our weapons rubbed against each other glowing orange. We pushed each other back. Striking each other with heavy hits we each parried the attack. Bael cut deep into my armor even being able to cut into my skin.
I gripped his wrist twisting it against its natural posture, having him loosen his grip around his weapon, "nice try old man!" Ripping out Siegfried from my body, "have some for yourself!" Thrusting Siegfried into Bael from his middle abdomen piercing his body all the way. We both dropped to our knees. I couldn't help I smirk on the inside. That bitch hurt, but at least I shared the joy of being stabbed, "still feel like evil can still conquer everything?" VicViper charged again towards me, I repeated my counter again. Grabbing it by it's head four claws clung onto it, "my arm is gonna kill me if you keep this up! lard ass!" Lifting the Grimm off the deck, "stay down boy!" slamming him, on to my old man.
This time I was down doing a bit of showing off. I gather some distances between Bael and myself. Siegfried pierced through VicViper, it's began to burn into ash fading away. This time Bael was looking a lot like me. Having our Grimm coat us with armor, "let's end this Y/N."
"I couldn't say it any better myself."
I spread my legs apart evenly shoulder width apart, squatting low to the deck having Aoi across my body. I'm going back home regardless of the outcome. I'll win no matter what. Bael leaped into the air crashing like a meteor back down. I rolled forward avoiding the on coming attack. With my back to my dad I felt him coming in for another strike.
"Watch out old man," before Bael could swing down on me, I knocked Siegfried from his hand using Raven's weapon she had left behind. Swing across my body again this time I cut into Baels chest armor, swing Aoi down cutting into his left sode of his body. I stepped into my swings. Holding Ravens Weapon and Aoi behind my back crossing each other, "JACK!!" i swung down craving an X into his body passing through him, "POT!!!"

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