Chapter 7-8: Anew Abandoment

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This grimm, it felt similar. Like I've fought it before just from a different point in time.
"Takes you back doesn't." Summer spoke up, my thought bubble burst, "it looks the same as the grim your father controlled. Or was it apart of him. I don't know. Feel like it's been Swahili since we had to deal with Kamwui." I didn't understand why she was smiling. She patted my shoulder like long time pals.
We were crouched down underneath a shattered window. The ground below us trembled with intensity. That grim must have been right on top of us. My head moved towards the Grimm. Summer rested her hand on my cheek bringing my give back at her. Stay quiet she signaled follow her lead. One bent leg in front of the other I felt like a duck. Is this how they feel all the time? I don't like it.
"We only have one shot. Let's make it count!" Summer pulled her axe out swing into a sporting pillar that held what was left of this burning building.
As the debris came tumbling down onto the grim, burring itself within 6 feet of stone. Summer and I watch and remained focused on what was going to happen next. A veil of rocks risen a thin black blue rose from the dust back down. I stepped forward crossing Siegfried and Aoi as the grins tail grind against my blades. Summer spun on the balls of her heels her axe rose inches away from curing that fucking tail off.
My body was become reactive. Grabbing Summers cape pulling her out of my way I spun in the balls of my toes firmly planting my feet on the ground. My blades slid across the grim's blade like wings. Our eyes locked intimidating each other in some form that in some way.
This Grimm should have been part car it inersa drift on the ground looking back at Summer and I.
I don't normally fight duel wield especially with light and heavy swords.
"Ready, Y/N!" Summer pressed against my back with hers.
"Let's rock!"
The grim roar it's battle cry not fazing summer or I. It's tail ready to attack. Both charged at one another. As it's front claws rose over its head cutting the air. Summer steered the claw in a complete different direction. I pushed up against Summers back, holding my blades ups pushing back the tail. With discomfort I managed to push the tail up giving me a brief window to toss Aoi in the air.
Spreading my legs shoulder with apart, my arms over lapped each other while holding on to Siegfried's hilt. I haven't used this stance since Nu trained me. Our weapons clanged, never thought it's tail was part metal.
Grabbing Summers shoulder I spun in the balls of my toes tossing her to the side having my back facing away from the tail. The grim and I looked at each other. I grin craved slow on its face.
In a moment, a breath, I stepped a few centimeters to the side lifting my right arm up just enough for the tail to slid right through and for me to latch on with my sides and my bicep. I dug my heels into the ground as it pulled me closer.
"Summer do it NOW!"
Above white rose petals were taken by the wind. Summer reached out for Aoi grabbing her handle spinning down. This should take care of the tail.
I lifted my head to see the stupid reaction on the grim. It was all but smiling.
Was this a mistake? Did it play me like an instrument? If something happens will it be my fault?
I shoved the tail out of the way as I pushed my body forward to get summer out of the way. My body jerked. Summer smashed the ground rocks rose and fell. Her attention was on me. A moment later she was stuck by the grim as the force smashed her into another adjacent building.
"SummmaaaaAAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed as my
Body was lifted off the ground. It flung me off its tail effortlessly. I crashed into one of the empty street vendors cabbages wagon. My blood leaked on the floor. My breathing became uncontrollable. The grim looked at me laughing as it strolled its way to summer, "s...Stop!" My voice was much but a whisper.
I crawled inch by inch, "stop running you sonofvabitch!!!" A few more inches until my body jerked once more it's tail reached out to stab my left shoulder. Another open wound, "stop...summer."

Don't you see how powerless you are!
Shut up...I...I can still.
Still what be a useless like brat! We didn't train you just so you can die for nothing.
Last time I checked I killed every last one of you kamwui brothers and sisters.
We are special accept that! Once you do she will give you much more that you ever will need.
I don't need that power not anymore! Bael took it away he did something!
That's not true Y/N. I just want you to learn that sometimes what we are, are never used for evil.  I want you to believe. To have hope. To use this power for what you believe is right!

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