Chapter 5-3 part 1: Blue Pill

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Ghira and I slapped down a shot glass of, Fanuces source of aura. That's what Ghira called it. I haven't had a shiver of alcohol in a while, a long while. It felt like it paralyzed my tongue, burned my throat, destroying my insides internally.
-maybe I was just being a bitch?
"It good to see you old friend, how are you! How have you been! How's you lady friend!" Ghira action to each question was to lap my back was pure force he was possibly flexing his whole arm to. I got the bartenders attention asking for just quick bottle, "not much of a drinker now then you were then."
I laughed lifting the bottle up and down for a quick slip, "you're right. I've..." I couldn't help but chock on my words rather my thoughts. I looked at my reflection through the dark beer bottle. With my masked removed I still kept my left shut. What can I say to Ghira right now? "I've been through a lot move the months."
"I've realized, being a wanted man all over remnant. I'm surprise you've managed this far without being caught by the authorities." Ghira made light of the situations it made me grin a bit enough to take another swig.
"Well a lot more had happen since that day we had breakfast, with Kali and Raven." I made it frank that the story I was going to say was going to be a little though. Ghira took wind of my expression and ordered another round of that Faunce source or aura.
So I explained to Ghira to the best of my abilities. About Bael about Milla. About my past. About what I've done to my family. I threw it all in the air. For some of the bit of the story that didn't make sense I would back track to the past filling in the missing information. I told him about Raven and I have a special connection to one another. About Moka being a maiden. How she sacrificed her life for others. How I killed my father with my hands. That day when the ocean was stained with blood. Then how I lost color in my left eye. I spent months at Atlas finding out the problem with no luck. The news of Raven being pregnant. Then this new problem that's risen from Kamituki or whatever they were called. I couldn't keep my mind together to mentally I broke down. Which lead me to killing that man in public. Then after that I was taken and I've been away from Raven ever since.

"I see...that's a lot to take in for a man of your state. So why are you here? You have a wife and a child?" Ghira asked.
"Before I left i saw them with my mother. Raven and the child. I just couldn't see them for my own personal reason. I owed someone who gave me the ability to see again." I said raising my head.
"That selfishness is the reason you didn't see your-" I cut Ghira off mid sentence. I starred at him revealing my left eye.
"Selfishness. You might be right about that. After everything I've done, the punishment of my sins is etched into me. I maybe able to see again, but not with the eyes I wanna see my family with. It's like I'm seeing patches of reality never the whole thing. Like my past and present are intertwined with each other and I can't...convince myself..." I lost my thought of words. Exhaling you're keep my composure, "well enough about me. Ghira, how have you been since then."
I threw my problems off my shoulder. it wasn't about me it was about the objective, but doesn't mean I can't have alternative solutions to active my objectives. I order another round. We cling shot glasses down the hatch it went, slamming our glass. Ghira proposed to Kali a few months after, they had different last names though they just smashed them together. Meet the Belladonna. Over time their love gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Ghira showed me a picture of her cute little cat ears. I could help, but find that adorable. I asked him about the organization he had organized, the white fang. Why? All this? Ghira wanted to begin see things for the future for his family. A place where the faunces can be treated equal without any discrimination. That's going to be one hell of an achievement. It feels like he know when to make small movements that going to take him a step forward. While I'm still here turning my back several times just to find some piece for myself.
"Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you. That arm of yours. how did you get it?" Ghira struck up side conversation on something I could remember like it was yesterday day.
I looked at the Altas arm, as it wrist spun around, the fingers operated individually, "the arm, I got it from a...friend at Atlas. The injury," I snickered, inhaling calmly. Exhaling, "it was during my time at beacon. I had gone on a little trip, back to my grandmothers village. Eventually that village was attack, by my aunt. As everything was engulfed in flames some stood and fought the grimm while others fled. I killed one of my teammates that turned coat on me and some others. My aunt was seconds away from impelling Raven, I acted without even thinking. I shoved Raven out of the way, at the cost of getting stabbed in the abdomen and severing my whole right arm."
"Act of courage?" Ghira said.
"Act of idiocy, if I was thinking a little better with my head rather my heart I believe I would have prevented any of this. Maybe I wouldn't look like such a freak now."
"Is that how you see yourself? A freak?" Ghira asked I responded with a simple head knot, "you think Raven sees you like that? I can tell you've been through a lot, gain and lost. Something life always does to those with very little or to those that have much more. Look at your hands." I starred, "how many do you have?" Seriously?! "How many..."
"You can only hold so much with two hands. Cuff them together maybe you can hold more. Over time the more you gain the more you'll lose in time. No one can tell you the right choices in your life nor the wrong choices. It's something everyone must experience for themselves."
"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked, cutting myself off from anymore alcohol.
"I'm telling you this as a friend. I was there for my daughters birth. I stayed with the people I love and I made a choice to make a future better for not just them for everyone. You still have a choice. To be there for both Raven and your child." Ghira gave his good-byes as he left the bar. I looked at the locks above the counter. It's late. I think I better get going. I slid my mask back on my face picking up my case walking out of the establishment.

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