Chapter 8-4: ...At Least They Have A Place

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Every night i find it difficult to sleep night after night. The image of that monster staining the battle field with chaos and destruction set shivers down my spine an unwelcome feeling that never truly leaves after a while. It was as though the person behind the mask wasn't the person I called a friend. I only reunited with him once, from opposite sides of our weapons. Once more the forest burned a bright red. That time he looked completely different almost like a grim. But now he's gone, his soul resting in peace.
I tossed and turned on my bed cotton rubbing against each other filled the room with unwanted noise. Everyone's lives were in my hand and they died one after another if I had just.
Steady knocks came from my door, "Winter? Are you in there?" A muffled voice came shortly after. Raising from my bed I looked over myself a large T-shirt that draped passed my thy. No bra or underwear I felt a bit embarrassed. Actually I didn't think I was going to have anyone come to my room. Maybe if I'm quite whoever is on the other side will just leave, "winter I know you're not a sleep."
The door slid open. But I never told anyone my...except for Glint. An ace operative with whom i have a mutual respect for. I threw my sheets over my head hiding from Glint. I can hear his footsteps coming up the stairs. Please just leave.
He pulled up a chair next to my bed, "it's hard for some people to open up and share their burdens. On the other side there are some that close up and handles it on their own." Glint spoke from experience, "I'm aware of the small details, but details are silly at least in this sense. Me knowing all the details to why you're like this isn't or won't fix the cause I'm not experiencing this. All I can do I share similar pain or situations. You could say it's like carrying a bag to lighten the weight on you. Though I can shoulder all the burden. I'll just be here. In a moment where some are never really ready for. It sounds selfish, but this being here makes me feel special, you allowing me to see you at your most vulnerable. The trust in that goes a long way. I know you are strong Winter, but everyone has there limits."
"How could you tell I was having?" I peek eyes out from the sheets.
"After you got back there was something wrong. Aside from mental strain, I could physically visualize your tense posture, rigid moments when you present yourself professionally, your tired eyes when you felt overwhelmed. Your body looked heavy like all your mussels were popping and groaning in defiance."
"Then could you stay for a while." Sliding my hand out Glint grimly grasped mine.
"I won't let you go through this alone, Winter."

Asuka POV

We found a new camp site and things eventually got back to normal. Milla, and Yuu or his servants never returned. Somewhere in Ravens heart she knew what the endgame was for him. Vernal and I managed the best we could to be a sort of glue for the tribe, but if anything we needed a leader one that would fight and die for us, to light us a new way. Yuu was destructive yet firm was choices. Even with Kamwuis merging with the Branwens everyone put their faith on Yuu. What a heavy weight to carry.

Another night and Raven has yet to come out from her tent.
On a recent raid some of us weren't going to make it back. People's moral were at an all time low. Nothing was getting down so no wonder such a mentality would effect patrols or missions. Cage and Rita gave their freedoms just for others to get away. Where they are now no one knows.

The sky tonight was clear the camp fires were burned out the posts around the camp where on silence watch.
As I looked to the sky a memory played in my head of us. You too looked to the sky holding out hand reaching for the stars.
"Someday I want to take the people I care about to a new paradise. something lady Mikoto once did for the people of Kamwui. I want to see Raven, Milla, Rita, Cage, even you smiling with no worries. Leaving this bullshit all behind us. The legends of Kamwui would raise once more."

Even if Kamwuis legends are gone that doesn't mean Branwens will be gone ether.

I marched back to Ravens Tent and Venral had just left looking a bit worried.
"Asuka what are you doing?" I said nothing I walk passé Vernal but she pulled on my wrist, "it's best to leave her alone for now."
" sure?" I slipped through her grip walking in. Within moments Raven laid on the floor her eyes devoid of life, "Raven. Everyone is waiting."
"Waiting? Why are you still here?"
"What are we gonna do now Raven." I said stepping forward.
"I never thought Yuu was hold such weight on his shoulders. Why didn't he explain it to me. If I was just more open then. Then maybe things could have been..."
"I'm sorry Raven, but we need to keep moving it's what he would have wanted."
"How are going to tell me what he would want."
I grabbed Raven's collar lifting her off the cold floor, "Yuu once said he wanted to make a paradise for the people that followed Lady Mikoto and those here in the Branwen tribe. I believed in those words so I'll keep going only if you allow it." Ravens eyes widen shocked from my sudden enlightenment, "so how many town do we have to raid, lives to take. Tell me Raven Branwen! I need to know. That's what Yuu said will this words be for nothing!"
"Get the hell of me!" Raven pushed me away fixing her robe, "you wanna see paradise so badly I'll take you and every else there! I'll make sure no one has to suffer again."
"Right. Take me there all of us. What do need me control. What needs to be destroyed. If I finally get to see or even live in paradise Yuu dreamed of. I won't need this power anymore." Raven and I smiled.
"We are done here." Raven strapped her weapon to her side leaving her tent, from the rear. Her sudden action felt like a complete one eighty. I followed behind her. Raven was gone. A black feather floated down.
Your story may have ended and it may well be forgotten, but there are others to come for a bright future. we are the ones that will carry that weight.

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