Chapter 2-6: Cost of Truths

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Many years later...


I kissed Yang goodnight, turning off her lamp, before closing the door to her room. I couldn't believe how much time had passed. She was growing up to fast but she still loves the same bed time story. She uses that story has her on motivation the struggles the triumph the dependability. Everything he had gone through was just a story by mouth. A story like yours shouldn't need a book to be told about. Even though your life could possibly influence others in some way shape or form.
I need something to drink before bed. Make my travel down stairs, the pictures of STRQ, you and your mother filled these hallways. It was unbelievable that Belle had give us the house. At least we didn't have to worry about the roof over our head.
"Is Yang asleep?" Summer asked, already pouring a cup of green tea. She added a table spoon of honey an a squeeze of lemon.
"Finally, she really loves the story of, Y/N. Nether one of them would believe the truth even if I told them." I rose the cup to my lips and drank small sips. A beautiful blend of honey and lemon, "tomorrow I wanna try to talk to Y/N again. See if I can't change his mind about his plans."
"Raven..." Summer held on to my hands, "I know how much to love him and I know how much he loves you, but Qrow and I have made numerous attempts to persuade him."
"Speaking of persuading, do you mind if I asked how he managed to persuade you." I smirked grappling Summers hand looking at the large diamond on her finger.
Summer blushed Rose red from ear to ear"W-Well, it just h-happen and y'know time does change people. A-and I'm well..." she put her head down embarrassed beyond belief, "I'm just ready to settle down Y'know..."
"I understand." I looked that my ring, and after all those years you finally gave it back to me. The conviction in your eyes was all I need then, "summer would you want to stay the night?"
"Oh god please! I hardly brought any lien to stay at a inn. Ozpin has Qrow and I running around like chickens with their head cut off."

Many years ago...


I woke up gasping for air! I was laying down Raven cradled my head moving some of my bangs away from my forehead.
"W-What happen?!" Panicking my eyes bounced around sporadically, "fuck I feel terrible..."
"First off relax, and I'll explain everything." Good advice. I took a deep breath slowly breathing out. I tried to sit up, but Raven wrapped her arm around the front of my neck pushing me down on back on her lap. Forceful, "I don't need to getting sick on me again."
What was she talking about? I turned my head away from Raven looking around the area. It was a "small" room with Three bed. A few small circle windows...where the hell are we!
"Seems you don't remember. SO! We managed to get a boat to Mistral. A serious Stroke of luck considering who we are with. As soon as the boat had taken off you started to get pale, your skin was as white as the Color of your arm. Moka and Summer panicked thinking you were dieing. Qrow and Tai just bursted in laughter. For as strong you make yourself out to be I would never believe sea sickness would be your baine."
Shit...this is to embarrassing. I rolled over on my Sadie facing Raven. Her laugh was sweet to the ear, her constantly running her hand through my hair playing relentlessly with my split ends. After a while I could not have fallen asleep again. Maybe I could just take a little nap again...

The ground below me felt cold from head to toe. Above the sky so bright I could find the moon only the stars filled the sky.
A dream? Now of times?
Sitting up I could see much as far as my eye could see. There wasn't any trees around the area. I walked, I kept walking until something would happen. Where am I? What kind of a dream is this if I can't recall where this is? Last time I dreamt of the sky and ocean reflecting off one another. Now everything was dark all around me the only thing around me was. What I would assume to be white snow. I walked and walked with no end in sight. If there was a meaning to this I could see it as a never ending ripoff adventure. What a joke I couldn't help but laugh.
My feet stubbles, my travels had brought me to the edge of a cliff I would assume. Out in front of me were fragments of little pieces of land. They looked as if they were tore apart of the edge.
No no no no...I've seen this before!
I took a knee feeling the ground below my feet. It wasn't snow! I felt solid. A different texture than ice playful snow. I've seen this before, just from a different point of view. Those pieces weren't just part of his land. I was on the moon itself but it a way it made look like the story my mom told me. I stopped taking completely in my surroundings! A large chunk of this area was completely destroyed.
What's going on? Why a dream like this of all times!
The ground below trembled cracks formed below my feet. Everything around me erupted fragments tore apart sections ripped away from each other. An earthquake? No? Moonquake! That just sound ridiculous.
I ran away from ground behind me, running endlessly on land I knew little of, but I still kept running. If I stop who knows where I might go. Who knows what-

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