Chapter 1-2: Re;Union

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"How was it? Putting someone 6 feet under." Milla spoke behind me.
I looked at my reflection through the crystal clear water running down the stream heading towards the closest ocean. The water was cold to the touch freezing my finger tips. The blood on my hands washed off as it followed the river stream. His eyes widen, red shock from the tears falling from his face. Eventually rolling to the back of his head. After all that I still wouldn't stop slamming my sword on his body.
I think I got most of it off me.
There were a total of twenty contenders for the title of tribe leader. Now there's only nine after today. The number could very between who they are Kamwui followers or the Branwen Tribe people. Doesn't change the fact every fight was a fight to the death. On top of that doing raids for the tribe.
"Are you satisfied, Milla..." I said flaring up my hands shacking out the water, "if the people didn't hate me then they sure as hell do now. What was the gain in all this? Having a target on my back? The distrust in the people? Maybe-"
"Power..." Milla cut me off, curious i let her continue, "before you came a long, the other nineteen fighters, it wasn't a fight to the death it was more winner takes all. If we have a new leader that only won cause of a ring out then that's dropping the exceptions the old tribe leader had." Milla covered have of her face with her right hand curling it into a fist looking through me as she continued, "Killers and thieves is what this Tribe consists of, no honor code for glory. That's a fools way of thinking. Today showed them we need a leader that's will to destroy everything around him/her."
How can she smile after saying something like's like the person I knew three years ago we some alter-ego.
Looking at my watch, that was strapped to my wrist, it was almost time for a short patrol out in the camp. Often we find hunter and huntdresses trying to find Or tribe and bring us to justice since we raid most of the villages we come across. Milla and I became the tribes counter measure against them. We replaced Raven and Qrow, so the tribe traded in or upgraded to a new counter measure.
Grabbing my black coat that hung on a tree branch, resting my hand on Milla's shoulder, "you ready?"
Milla smiles rolling her eyes, "yeah let's go..."
I Grab Aoi storing her on my back we headed back to camp.
It wasn't a warm welcome. Strolling through the main yard, I could feel eyes stabbing me like someone slapped a piece of paper on my back that said 'kill me!' From the corner of my eye I could make out one person with his arms across his chest knowing his head smiling. Do they approve of what happen earlier? Or is it just some demeanor? Everyday is something new.

Entering my tent, I loaded up on dust rounds. Dust now a days are hard to come by. During and after the raid it's always first come first serve. You can get all the cool shit now or be stuck with scraps afterwards. Then again it depends on the raid. If it's a high risk raid then, fuck, high rewards. Vis versa on shit raids.
In one of my dresser drawers I hid a little box underneath my clothes. Before I would go on missions I would take a glimpse inside that box. It reminded me of the struggles I need to endure. Of the sacrifices i need to make. Hopefully one day I-we can wear them once more.
I opened the box looking at two rings that would reflect off the little light I had coming in my room. One was slightly smaller than the other since it was fitted to only one person.
"Y/N, are you-" I closed the box hiding it under my clothes closing the dresser. I looked over at Milla with a curious look on her face, "What were you doing? Come on we have to go."
"Yeah, yeah...oh and Milla," standing beside her my eyes narrowed my voice darken, "if you ever come into my tent with out pardoning yourself. You'll be treated like everyone else." Milla's eyes widen only her eyes glanced over at me. She looked away before releasing a heavy sigh.

"Don't you think a short patrol is a little over doing?" I thought out loud for Milla to hear, "I mean recently our raids have been successful over the pass few months."
"Luck like that can only last so long. I agree with Terra." Milla said slithering through the forest.
Terra Arcday, the second in the command of the Branwen Tribe. Since the leader became ill he took up the leadership 5 months ago and we've been following his tactics during every raid ever since. Most people ask why does he become leader? Simple he prefers to be a small part into something bigger. Milla spoke of him in high regards, since he always has a gut feeling. That gut feeling of his is never proven wrong. I don't wanna start now, I rather not excerpt myself after a death match. It's going to be a short patrol no more than a hour I hope. If I just keep talking with Milla maybe time will go by fast.
"Hey what's the big idea!" covering my face, I shouted at Milla, holding her hand. My eyes narrow all business. Pulling my hood over my head and Aoi off my back, I waited for Milla to give the signal.
How many? What direction? Formation?
I waited patiently for something from her, she all just threw her hood on her head.
"I don't know, Y/N something doesn't feel right. Guess our luck is finally dried out."
The sound of gears turning rattled my ears. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. In one motion I kicked Milla to the floor all the while the tree we took cover behind cracked from the bottom. The edge of a curved blade crossed over my eyes cutting the air.
Milla was right our luck is running out. With whatever luck we got left we better make it out alive.
The tree above started to fall towards me throwing Aoi over my shoulder, twisting her handle fusing flame shells into her blade, cutting through the obstacle. The little fires at the ends of the tree remained, I looked over the stump but no one was behind it.
Still a weapon that can cut through a tree like that must be packing some serious BAM!
A Crow flew over head circling around. It's formation seems some What off putting since. Birds are dumb and stupid and stupid and dumb.
"Y/N watch out!" Milla shouted but her warning died in the air. Being flung across the forest like a ball being hit by a bat. The sere forced had my insides press against my back. Being slammed into another stupid tree.
"Are you okay?!" Milla said rushing to my side.
"Yeah I think so...fuck that hurt." The Crow made its stupid sound again. The tree I had taken cover under started to break down the middle. I couldn't tell how many there are. So far they manage to attack without us countering back.
Parrying the incoming attack with Aoi. Hoping off the tree to the middle of the field.
"Milla get behind me!" I ordered flicking Aoi's cylinder out loading the empty cartridge with more flame dust shells. Twisting Aoi's handle until the blade was engulfed in burning flames, "this should smoke them out!" Swinging outward releasing all the build up flames through out the forest.
"Gah!" I heard a voice, yes, they sound close? They must have been caught in the fire.
I charged first thinking later. Flicking Aoi's cylinder out dropping the empty brass on the floor loading fire and ice shells. Twenty-meters away hidden by a bundle of bushes is where they were hiding! I flung across the field holding Aoi over head waiting for moments to cut through the bushes.
My swing was parried by a large blade that had a shape of a Christmas tree. I blade bounced off, act out on instincts. Swing out several more strikes which were all parried. Holding Aoi over head slamming down the force had blown off my hoodie.
"Y-Y/N" looking directly in my eyes a man with lousy shaved beard hair slicked back. A metal cross necklaces, that happen to be at an angle warped around his neck. The voice sounding raspy and calm...struck a nerve.
I eased on the pressure, once I was able to think, "Q-Qrow? What the hell are you doing here?" Hopping back making space between us. Giving him a chance to stand.
"Qrow are you okay!" From the bushes white roses bloomed, holding a large battle Axe, looking like the thrones on a rose, "Y-Y/N?"
"Y/N!" Milla shouted looking around trying to gather up the situation, "okay what did I miss?! What kind of Mexican stand off is this?!?"
"What are you two doing here?" I asked, still having Aoi at my side.
"I can answer that if you put your weapon away." Qrow mocked.
"Funny I was going to tell you first regardless." I said.
"Y/N!!!!" All negotiations were shut down when summer tackled me to the ground hugging me, crying tears of joy. But in spite of it all i felt something pop..., "oh I missed you it feels like forever since we last seen each other!"
"Yeah...summer..." I muttered holding my breath, "I-I... think I landed on a rock...or two."

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