Chapter 1-4: lighthouse

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"Well I just think that's complete bullshit."
"Y/N!!" Summer shouted for my harsh language.
My mother gathered us around the dinner table. I couldn't help but already spam three tacos in my mouth. This is bomb as hell. Summer is really experiment with culture.
"It quite alright Miss Rose. I understand where Y/N is coming from. Honestly I didn't think he'd take this so...acceptable."
My face showed enjoyment for the food, but in the back of my mind...I was in a pit of worry. My Dad showing back up out of nowhere, meeting Sum, Qrow, and Raven. Wait? I'm not arguing with a certain someone for no reason right now, "where's Milla?" I asked setting my half eaten shell on my plate.
"She fine," my mother answered, "she just went into town to grab a few things."
I rolled my eyes that girl is nothing but trouble. Great thinking of her made me lose my appetite.
"Since we are talking about reunions. I'm so glad you and Raven got to see each other. What were the odd."See each other? But I've only known Raven since Beacon, "come now Y/N are you sure you don't remember her from when you where a young child."
You can't be serious? I looked back at Raven but she kept avoiding eye contact. What's her deal? She was so talkative earlier. I looked deep into a glass of water looking at my own reflection. I...remember a cocky girl having her head held high. Black hair red eyes a red ban...
"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I shouted at the dinner table stand up from my chair , "you're the girl that acted cocky!"
"Oh boy..." Summer sighed holding her head by her hand.
"No matter how hard I tried! No matter what upper hand I had! She always seemed to counter my moves! I practiced fighting my uncles and aunt just to get that move perfect just once! And...and now I see why, I had admired you since beacon. You reminded me of the same girl from my childhood. I guess that's why I-we synced so well during our fight with Hinoka?"
"Really? I was thinking like that when we fought at the Vytal Festival..." Raven three out her thought to the table.
"Actually, Y/N, Raven didn't start to think like that until I brought it up to her some time ago." My mother inserted her comment.
Raven bright red ear to ear rose from her chair slamming her hands on the table the plates rattled a lit. clang clang, "BELLE!!!" Raven exploded in embarrassment my mom only could do was laugh. Summer and Qrow followed along.
So this it what if had been missing for a while enjoying a meal with other people. Especially with my mom once more, and Raven.
The family reunion was short lived Summer and Belle cleaned the dishes while Qrow had sometime to himself to enjoying nature around him out as the sun began to set. As for Raven and I well let's just say, we had a lot of "catching up" to what I would say if I didn't have fortitude of trouble on my mind. One of them being that man who mom says is my father. He said he was looking for me. But why me specifically? My body was in a state of instinct, killer instinct. I remember Nu once said Kamwui's have a way of resonating with one another. Then does that mean...I'm gonna have to? Or maybe we can try to transited his curse into someone else he is my dad after all I just can't I have killed family before. But for different reasons. Maybe Milla!-
If I keep thinking about this anymore I'm probably just going to be running in circles. I shouldn't be hurting my head like this.
Donk donk
"Y/N? you still awake?" Raven called out her voiced muffled since I had kept my door close.
"Ah yeah I'm awake come in Rave." I shouted, the door knob clicked the sound of we squeak of was almost dramatic. Raven walked in being in casual wear. Short short and a black crop top...I think her crops have grown since I've last saw her, "hey, what's up. You need something."
"No, not really. we didn't get to talk much when you woke up. The dinner table was crazy." Raven explained I couldn't help but laugh. She playfully punched my shoulder. I reached out to Raven with my robotic arm when both were in my view I became hesitant pulling away. I smiled, this arm...this little peace of once was flesh saved her I can't count how many times Raven saved me before, "is something the matter?"
"Nope," responding instantly rolling flat on my bed. Still Raven didn't take 'No' for an answer.
"You can tell me, Y/N. isn't any point in trying to hide it you know." Raven said.
The little light I had in my room i could say I was in a presences of my dark angel. Her body was slim I would want to trace an outline of her body with my fingers. I'm trying really hard not to be turned on right now, "it's just this..." showing my arm. Raven gripped my arm pressing it against her chest.
"It cause of this sacrifice I'm able to be her talking to you again."
"Yeah but at what cost, everyone in Kamwui? Now being a contender to be a new leader of Branwen. My mom and dad showing up out of nowhere. That's not to mention running into Summer Qrow and You, Raven. I just-"
Before I could have my anxieties consume me Raven slithered her arms underneath my neck leaning forward embracing me in a loving warmth. It was nice. It relaxed me.
"You must be feeling so much emotions right now, honestly I wish I could no more." Raven whispered to me.
"No it's fine...I mean this helps to." I said
" I can tell you heart beat was all over the place now it seemed to calm down." Digging her head to the side of my neck I rested my head on her. As well laid their quietly only the sound of our breathing our chest rise and fall. Raven pulled away looking me in the eyes as I her's. Maybe we can have one night to ourselves....
"Oh my am I interrupting something?" Belle appeared in the door way, looking embarrassed! Raven and I looked at the door embarrassed to say the least.
"You forgot to close the door!!!"
"Don't mind me Y/N. I'm sure you two have some catching up to do." My mother teased exiting the situation, closing the door behind her.

Milla POV
Sure things didn't go the way as I was hoping for. If things played out differently by now Y/N would be the leader of the tribe. Now his lackeys are in the mix not to mention his whore of an ex-girlfriend. I decided to take up sometime at a local town bar. Hard alcohol with no chasers. Something to torches the cords another that went down smooth. Sometimes back to back or after every other.
"Excuse me miss. I couldn't help but be amazed by your blonde hair." a local scum tried an attempt to hit on me.
To be fair he did complement me on my hair rather than my chest size. First time I meet Y/N that was the first thing he said to me. He wasn't the smoothest talker but he was honest at the time. Blushing as he complement me. It was sweet. I complimented him on his on his red eyes they were like looking at a ruby holding it up to the sun as the glint reflected in your eye.
"So miss can I company you tonight?"
"You can, by one request." We looked at each other equally in the eyes, "I'm trying to get some web of information, but daddy long legs doesn't rove with the rest of his pack."

A/N: I haven't posted anything in a while mainly cause of work, writer block lol and Anime eXpo a few weeks back. Apologize for the wait and hope everyone can stick around with The Worst One.

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