Chapter 2-5: We Are (Not) Family

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Moka stood in her position, clearly she was waiting for us to walk to her. Great... what else can tip the scales to day. STRQ and I made our uppity stroll towards Moka. Our advancement made a short halt, two shadows fell from the ceiling, landing right behind Moka.
-No not shadows. Agents!
Long robs that had hoodies covering the individuals head. They showed devotion taking one kneel bowing their heads.
"Sorry Lady Moka we had just finished up making arrangements for tonight." One agent announced.
"So I take it your going to stick with the nobility of the Kamwui life style, Moka?" I asked throwing my bag to floor.
A long exhale slipped from Moka's nose, "of course not. Clearly there were some in Kamwui's house who were close to my mother. devoting their life to my mother Suzuka. They were the ones to make contact with me and help me become the warrior we are born to be," Moka turned her back walking away, "something that you possibly never tried to grasp I would presume."
"Lord Y/N, please don't take what Lady Moka says personally. At the time your father want to-"
"Don't call me lord, I don't belong to any nobility."
"Lord, so that was the life you and Raven lived up." Qrow bumped my shoulder catching up with Moka and her agents. Tai padded me on the back following Qrow them summer.
"Y/N? You okay?" Raven had asked.
I didn't want to admit it. It would hurt my so called pride if I thought she was right. Moka lost everything just like me. I need to think what did I lose? Comparing myself to Moka, would be comparing us to spring and fall, different times of the year but very subtle differences. I don't know maybe there wasn't that much of a difference.
"I'm fine. Let's just get to the Inn. I need some real food instead overly expensive cheap knock off crap." I'm still pretty pissed about the food.


"Are you mad?!" Christ this "Doctor" really needs to get off my balls for once. I rolled my eyes every time he spoke. I know maturity is mostly internal act and response a certain way to a certain event or action. HOWEVER; I have a real low tolerance level. I wonder how Belle even put up with me or I her, "Bael are you even listening!"
"Huh, no honey I wasn't." Milla chuckled in the background, "look aside from getting a lecture from the doctor/professor whatever. How about you stay out of family affairs."
"Is it not these affairs that has postpone Salem plans. And here you bring back a woman to the chamber. Are you creating a harem Bael? Making up for things you couldn't have as a young man."
"I suggest you watch what your gonna say next." I leaned forward on table eyeing down Arthur Watts.
A scoff was his first response, "and what will you do, cause a scene before Salem arrives."
"I'm just warning you. She'll kick your ass." I said. I leaned back on my chair kicking my feet up waiting for the guest of honor to arrive.  In the mean time Milla and Arthur dog each other down. There wasn't much to do in the meanwhile. I gave Y/N five months to get stronger. Is that enough time though? Nu can't help him with words of Wisdom, Belle's fighting has ended. What about Milla? I could train her. She's self taught but with a little guidance maybe she could even beat Moka, thanks to a few insiders I've now know she's one of the-
"Sorry for delay gentlemen."
Thus she finally graces her with her presence. I'm not a total monster, I did properly stand when Salem arrived. She looks different. Something about her is off I can put my finger on it at the moment.
Whatever let the meeting begin.
"Bael, it seems you have news for us care to explain yourself." Salem jest letting me take the floor grounds to speak.
Clearing my throat I explained the events that happened in a week or so time. My son had encountered Summer Rose and Qrow Branwen. It was a short squabble but it was enough time to set up my ambush with the grim at my command. I had hoped I would be able to bring Y/N, back with me but that wasn't the case. Raven Branwen managed to become and obstacle I didn't foresee. A few days had gone by I managed to bump into Milla in a near by Pub. Something wasn't adding up if I was able to run into Y/N's group a second time without even trying then there was another factor I didn't add to the equation.
My son had the dumbest of luck.
I added I failed to realized Y/N had lost an arm during the war on gods a battle that soon became past seasons just forgotten. Drunk off his ass Y/N would have been dead in a moment.  I told Salem my intent for Y/N is to hand him over to her. There was some collateral damage here and there. I managed to retrieve Siegfried, a blade that was forged from one of relics Ozpin had hidden.
That little tidbit managed to catch Salem's attention. I set the Single edge blade on the table still in its scabbard. Also completely destroying Y/N robotic arm in the process.
"I gave him five months until we fight again. He's still weak, from my point of view, both body and soul. But I'm not sure if that enough time for him to even be matched to me."
"It won't." She speaks and now has an opinion, Milla steppes forward conversation spot light was in her, "Y/N, is strong I will have him that. However during the year I had spent with him in the tribe he's losing touch with the "monster" he's suppose to be. The Branwen Tribe needed a new leader.  Not a snowflake. Furthermore, he clearly hold someone dear to him. Rip that away then you've completely broken him to the core."
"Quite, and this Tribe. Have they deemed a new leader?"
"No, I don't believe so." Milla said stepping back becoming one with the architect.
"Bael," Salem spoke time for business, "I will let you continue your little errand however your cutting that five months into two in a half. Have your company deliver the message personally. And while your at it Milla, send a greeting card from Me to Y/N."
"Understood, Mi'lady."
"You heard her Kid time to rock and roll. But where are you going to find them?" I asked.
"I won't go to them. They'll coming to me."
Oh cliffhanger...


We all gathered around in shock and awe. Moka had materialized blades of ice from thin air. Magic doesn't exist, dust was suppose to be an alternate mean to elements but perception is reality.
"How long have you know?" Qrow turned his attention towards Y/N. His tone had a taste of hostility towards him. To me I felt a bit in the dark.
Y/N adverted any contact towards Qrow and I, "for about six months now."
"And you didn't bother to tell Ozpin about this when you spoke to him!"
"NO! Of course not Qrow what the FUCK would I say to him! Yo professor my cousin is a maiden. Then prance along la la la as if it wasn't a big deal. From the sounds of it you know a hellofva lot more than anyone else here..." Y/N, turned his body towards Raven he looked like he was in pain. his eyes spoke for him then his own words, "and I'm sure you know just the same as your brother." Raven pried her mouth open but hardly a sound was made, "Pft, some family I made you guys out to be. Secrets, lies, betrayals. Funny I though I had left the Branwen Tribe. Turns out it never left it's just been following me along this whole trip."
"Y/N, that not how I see us. I wanted-"
The sound of a scroll went off somehow that killed the tension in the room at the inn. Y/N reach for his back pocket. It was a flip of a switch sorrow eyes to pure anger and hate. Eyes narrowed brows pinched, "hello..."

"Glad to hear from you, Y/N. It would have been disappointing to have you die before the big day."
"Yeah it would have been disappointing if I couldn't see you six feet under, Milla." Y/N seemed like a totally different person one moment he's calm and collected the next he's giving threats like their complements on a video comment board, "what the hell do you want."
"Well I wanted to give you a message."
"So out with it."
"Not on the phone, Y/N. that's so impersonal. I wanna give the message with an audience around. Where everyone will turn on you like you've turned on everyone else."
"Go to hell." Y/N ended the phone call again his personality changed, "alright change of plans life gonna hit hard and fast."
"What do you mean?" Moka spoke out saying what we were all thinking.
"I'm saying, I need you to come with me Moka. I can't beat Bael on my own even with STRQ's help. I'm not deny their abilities as professionals. I know those two might have a trick or treat up their sleeves, and I know I'm using you cause your a maiden but-"
-wait that easy?
We were all a bit confused that Moka signed up so easily I mean what was her endgame in this? Does she have Ill feelings towards Kamwui as well? Y/N grinned out his hand. They both exchanged partnerships. As Y/N said our next stop will be Qrow and Ravens home. Something tells me we won't be welcomed with open arms like Moka was.

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