Chapter 6-4: Hollow Steps

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"You know you don't have to do this..." I told Raven storing Xi on my back. The weight of these swords feel light. They could break anytime I swing those weapons.
"Oh, is seven sword Y/N worried? I figured you were going to need someone to watch our back. besides this is the best chance to find out the truth. You need this. What kind of a wife would I be if I let her husband doing all the heavy lifting." Raven stroke a finger under my chin.
Stay at home wife. That's what I was Thinking, but deep down we were equals whatever we did we did together. She knew how important this was. Wait a minute seven sword? Is that my nickname, oh god i just had to pick a weapon that could easily be made fun of.
The cargo bay opened as we flew over Heaven Academy. I manage to schedule a formal visit for both head masters. So far Salem has seen me useful. I don't really care for her opinion of me. I have my own reasons for being here.
"I'll see you down there." Raven set her helmet on her face jumping into the sky.
Now let's go get this son of a bitch. If not his head, then for answers I crave.

4 months before infiltration....

I was a cloud, weightless, transparent, a motion that blown ether direction. Preying my eyes open I looked at a large cloth that was held in the center by a large stick. My eyes looked around the room what could be seen below or above me. Something small and warm grabbed my fingers, it drew my attention. A small child looked at me smiled. My hand shook like a leaf, but I was able to firmly grasp that child's hand. It didn't feel like I was actually there in my body. Or was I even there to begin with.
I opened my hand releasing the child, he dashed off with a smile still painted across his face into a bright light.
"You're awake. Glad to see your not dead, yet." A stern voice mocked my sudden ability to regain consciousness, they sat beside me reading a book with no front cover not even name on that dusty thing, "you've been out for a week. Some of the people had to attend to you for some time. Glad you manage to pull through. Here have some water. Remember small sips."
They held a straw in a cup, my body had no ability to move. My pried my mouth open biting on the straw with a dry mouth. sipping on little bits of cold water rehydrating my dry bone body. Is this what salvation feel like? Taste like? I haven't had water in a week it taste like it was a gift from the gods.
"What happen? Where am I?" My voice was that of a horse whisper.
"I'll easy you on the question, you're back home. Well if you still wanna call this home. I've maintained control of the tribe as a substitute leader as best I could. Anyway you were brought back by a couple of individuals carrying your body. Where did you meet them?"
Individuals? Oh that's right...lancer, archer, saber. My servants they devoted their lives to me to help me find the bastards that killed my mother and kidnapped Yang. Am I back at Misteral? Wheres the tribe camp located? No. How did I get here? Why am I back here...
"Y/N what do you remember?" Terra asked his attention directly towards me.
"Yang was safe, thunderstorm came over Vale, Penelope and Odysseus. Next thing I knew my head started to hurt. I felt like I was following predator instincts. Things went white and purple?"
"If you fought two individuals named Penelope and Odysseus and your still here. You must have won the battle. That man, you call him Archer, said the rest of group finally started to come around they saw you and Odysseus facing each other. You were just below his chest, your right arm had pierced through ripping out his heart. He died where he stood, you had passed out standing up. Which from there you four were picked up."
I threw sheets off my body forcing every well being to sit up. I hardly shed a sweat, no salt in my body ether that's not good. Dangling my feet over the bed I slipped into boots. Imagine carrying two hundred pounds on your back. It's not a good feeling you feel like sinking into the ground like your body has become stiff in just a snap of a finger. Terra shouted telling me to be carful. I stumbled towards the light the child had walked into. My eyes were blinded by the light until everything started to focus. The Tribe has looked the same as if everything stayed the same. People going about their business laughing joking. Granted these weren't just the run of the mill town folks these were murderers and thief's.
"Hey! HE'S AWAKE!" One man called out, one came to my tent then Two, four, eight, sixteen. Everyone had gather around. Men women children alike. Chanting my name giving me a leaders welcome home.
I stepped forward watching my steps. I didn't want to break myself anymore than I already have.
My foot slipped I flung myself upward slamming my back on the wooden steps, having the edges strap against my back. It was only three step but it felt like I was falling down an escalator.bump-bump, bump-bump. Everyone gasped backing up giving me some room, "so...when's the fest going to be ready?" With that everyone cheered in celebration tonight was going to be a good night. Now where the hell are those three at?

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