Chapter 7-7: Vicious Attacks

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Long ago, I had thought of myself as a hero. Or maybe it was just something I wanted to be. Everyone has a different side to them. I can't help myself be captivated by situations that test my humanity. Yet I always turn to the wrong side. I needed a hero back then, I thought I could be the person I needed then, now. Now it's more like I'm someone else's hero when I know the crap I've done.
What would you tell yourself then that you know now? A question that most adults would ask you once you find success or failures in life.
What would I tell myself? If he saw me the way I am now. What would he say to me?

I left Alisa behind at camp. She needed a chance to recover. I'm sure she would follow soon enough. Right now I need to take care of the town. Otherwise we're risking a hell of a lot more than just trading routes.
The roads were rough of my bikes tires honestly I felt I was going to be flipped over by an unexpected rock. This motorcycle is the second useful equipment I have that can hold all seven swords besides my backpack and myself.
The wind blew through my hair slicking it back as the ends flapped uncontrollably. I admit I was uncomfortable never the less a small sacrifice to pay to help the town people. Not far off I could see smoke and an orange hue. Not far now. Petal to the metal I gave chance as a dust trail followed behind me.
Even through the thick forest something felt off. A large black blur lunges out towards.pulling my head way from the incoming attack my motion caused the bike to do a donut. Still managed to get control of the bike continuing to drive forward. Looking to my side those blurt ran on all for ligaments. They looked like coyotes with fangs overlapping each other, ligament had white armor leaving their joints without any protection. Only four ran beside me two on each side. They were keeping up with a bike going 50 mph.
They're ready to attack any moment. I gotta get ready. The two lead coyotes jumped at me from the sides. Pushing my handles forward the bikes front expanded knocking the coyotes back as well exposing my seven swords. Pulling Siegfried and Aoi out the bikes compartments closed. All I could do was defend until I got to the village. Every time I swung my swords one grim would fall or I was able to parry an attack. Needless to say if I cut one down two more would take its place. I'm tired of never ending respond bullshit what is this halo 3 griffball!
Screw this forest time to cause a little fire.
Hastily I stored Siegfried back in the bike. Loading Aoi with flame shells twisting her handle until it burned bright red.
"Come on! Little pups!" Having my arm across my chest digging my foot into the ground as the bike spun around in a perfect circle, i I swung Aoi outward releasing the fire inside.
As the forest caught on the fire it killed some of the grimms. Now I got bigger fish to fry!


I would like to say when I got there things were still standing. Everything was reminding me of that day years ago. When Kamwui's own town was being burned to the ground all cause of Hinoka. I drove through the town every other building on fire or half standing.
Somethings not right. An assault should at least have an overwhelming force of grimm. I don't see any birds in the sky.
Veil of dust exploded from the my right a grimm ape was coming in for the attack. Forcing my bike to turn having the wheel skid across the ground burning rubber. I felt the ape's body graze the side of my cheek. I think I just did an anime cliché.
"You know. Your actions are very out of the ordinary. Not that many people know how you act. Never the less this place is important to Alisa, and I have had anything to eat so I'd like to wrap this up if you don't mind."
My bike rested on one side as the side compartments opened exposing all six swords. Taking Aoi, Siegfried, Katar and Excalibur. Dismounting the bike, I placed all the weapons in their appropriate positions. Katar was set on the side of my left knee, Siegfried strapped to my left waist, Excalibur on my back.
"OKAY! Come and get it!!" I war cryed once again jumping head first into combat. I felt like a robot once my blades started swing my body would move automatically as if every moment had a purpose. That's something schools don't teach you. All this book knowledge can take you so far. Once your actually head first into combat a green horn fresh out of the advent knows shit all. Even if they are trained to fight. We, STRQ and I, on the other hand have had combat experience with in the first year of the academy. Fighting Kamwui and grimm along the way. Nothing like fighting humans to test yourself on survival.
I leaped off a beowolf throwing Aoi across the battlefield. It impaled an alpha beowolf straight through its chest. Pulling Excalibur off my back I sought my sights on one of the grimm apes.
Katar shot off the blade stabbed the apes head. Nothing more to do than to pull in the blade to build that moment up with the wire. The air flowed through my hair. Like riding my bike only difference was I grinned as Excalibur cut the ape down straight down the middle of its skull.
As the first target burned to ash. My instincts kicked in. Using my robotic arm I launched Excalibur over my shoulder. The sword spun like a carrier's rotter wings. Cutting another ape in half.
I don't think I'm getting back that's sword for a while.
"Hey! Where are all the party people at?" The town was quite. Where's everyone gone to? Bingo?
I think it's about time I grabbed Excalibur and Aoi.
I was at peace. Guess it wasn't that much of a hassle than I thought. Alisa just like working my dry. Man I'm hungry.
I was to oblivious to the ground. It shook every other second. It was like something was shaking the ground. Rather they where foot steps. It must be one big SOB. If they're making the ground shake. What. what was it.
The building came crashing down like it was blocks of toys. In front of my eyes was a grimm I had never seen before. If you had a pit bull times it's size by 100 with its mussels being stocking had having white armor around the front and back legs, having swords that take shape of two wings, a sharp tail with looks like it could cut down anything or anyone. What really caught my attention was a human face on it. What. the. Fuck?!?
It wiped its tail at me, I all could do was duck down.
Fuck! I'm to far from my bike to grab my other swords.
We both started each other down. I looked at the whole picture. It's tailed swaying back and forth. Is it messing with me? I dashed to the right hopefully trying to get some ground. A gust of wind blew by me. That SOB was righ in front of me swinging its tail again. Once more I ducked. Leaping out of the way. My back was to the grimm. Take the opportunity! I clinched my robot arm as the top forearm slot open Dehuty slid out. My blade and it's tail crossed each other. Sparkes scattered.
It chuckled. What the hell? What is this thing. Unsheathing Siegfried, i readied for the most disturbing fight. All it did was stay there swiping it's tail back and forth. I dip, dive, duck, duke, dodge. Parrying each attack with both weapons.
What the hell is this thing. It is toying with me.
If the timing wasn't perfect enough I was getting surround by more grim. One Beowolf even attack from behind.
"Gah!! Don't screw with me!" I turned my back around to take the attack head on. But the beowolf was stuck in mid-air. The tail of that large grimm had impaled the beowolf. I didn't think grim attacked other grim. I felt it's breath on my back. My body froze. There could only be one word that this grim was a perfect embodiment.
I'll die fighting!
"Watch out!" scream reached me from the sky above. Gods? I looked up as my vision became blinded by a white light.
When my vision finally came back. The surrounding grim were all turned to stone. And large jaw bit down on a large pole below it was to large blades looked more like a battle axe.
I messed roses.
"Summer?!" I exclaimed.
She turned away for a second, "Y/N? Is that you?"
Heads up!
Wrapping my arms around Summers waist, I socked the grimm to release Summers weapon. It stunned him for a moment. Just a moment. It was all I needed to make our get away.
It's roar had even put the grimm to fear.

Summer and I managed to get take a break in an alley way. I needed to catch my breath.
"Summer, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I was responding to a distress call what are you doing here." She asked.
"Keeping a promise." I said, though I'm gonna have to put this on an extra payment once this is done, "you shouldn't be here! What about YOUR family!"
"Oh trust me my family is alway taken care of...I mean Yang has been a big help with caring for ruby. It's like those two are sisters, and she takes that to heart." Summer laughed. I just dropped on the ground leaning my back on the stable wall. I guess I was losing something more important than my own personal agenda. My daughters childhood, "you remember what you said right, Y/N. That were enemies now. You've done horrible things in the past. Why are you sticking your life on the line for something like this."My eyes swelled up, I didn't have an answer for her, "why do you always have to burry yourself with the hardest choices. You and Raven. Can't you see what effects it doesn't to the people around.  I wish. I could take you in and have you pay for your crimes however. My duty as a huntdress comes first. My daughters look up to me you know. No easy being a super mom 24/7."
"Let me fight with you... not as some redeeming action. But these people's home will be destroyed if we don't stop that grimm. I won't have another town burn to ashes. Not while I have the power to do so."
"Okay well Seven Swords, can you keep up with Snow White."
Shut up...this isn't a movie...


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