Chapter 6-2: ExpiRAtioN DAtEs

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No one starts off evil. They change overtime. Sometimes for the better and some times...
"Reading at this time?"
We had stayed at a local inn, inside the town Raven and I had shopped at. I've been here only once. They served breakfast down in the lobby how can anyone pass that up. I couldn't t stay home, after the horrible memories that horrid in there, "yeah it's just something I picked up from their little library." I got little to no sleep last night. While Saber, Archer, and lancer were sleeping in I'm the room I had just picked up a even book to read. I got to a section in the story where the main character who was a mech pilot had. A choice between the team he was with from the beginning or a new team that had a team leader flirting with him constantly. Having the attention of another woman after the one he originally had feelings for couldn't reciprocate that same emotion he lunged out for lust of that love. Well that's were I stopped before archer sat with me.
"So Lupus, where we going now?" Archer used an alias name. He can't use my actual name nor can he say m'lord in public. I may have blonde hair and missed colored eyes. The name , Y/N is just unique in its own right that nobody in their right mind would use that as a day to day name. Why am I making a big deal out of this?
"Lupus, we meet up with Ms. Malachite. She'd like to see us." Saber and Lancer finally graced us with their presence. Closing the book, placing back in the respective spot, We left.


"Wake UP!" A bucket of water was splashed on his body only for the empty bucket to hit the top of his face, "I'm sure you had a good time with bad cop, good. Now you're dealing with bad cop. worst cop. I'm both."
He held his head low with a smarking grin, "what did worst come feel sorry for me..."
"Worst cop wouldn't wake you up with water." The room was silent. No noises coming in no noises coming out. It was a small cubed box of a room. I pulled out a chair swing it out only having the ends of the chair bang is head for me to expand the chair completely. Then take My seat. The light above rocked back and forth from the whoosh of the chair swing, "I'm gonna ask a few questions. If your answers piss me off you feel the exactly what I feel maybe even greater. If those answers please me, you won't get hurt. Much."
"Fuck you, the job was bullshit anyway." So it was an upfront job, randomly selecting people. A hush hush mission that had payment under the table. So now I'm looking at the two academies with someone who had money to pay a large sum of people. God forbid Winter has involvement in this shit. Only reason being the Schene company has some...questionable actions to its company. But they wouldn't do this without any profit for their side.
I sat straight up from my chair, giving the huntsman a right hook. A few teeth shot out, "that didn't hurt much. I told ya. I'm a generous man." I wrapped my left hand around the back of his sweaty head ring him closer to ear shot, "now, how many of you went inside the house." I couldn't tell if this man was shaking cause of fear or he still had a bit of fight in him.
-I'll fix that.
I pulled away from his head, pulling Ace of Rose from it's holster placing the barrel on his thy. He shook profusely, "HOW MANY!" I pulled on the tigger. The man screamed.
After all the bitching and crying, "SEVEN! Seven of us went in side!"
"I want a play by play! Everything you did you hear me!"

They stormed the building, The woman unaware of what was happen had been taken by surprise. She fought back desperately trying to protect something or someone still in the house. They shot her in the back dragging her by her hair down the stairs before relentlessly beat her half to death.
This man along with three others hand gone up stairs. They found a baby sound a sleep. Someone had brought the idea to kill it. However someone stopped them last second. A woman, had taken her. Afterwards she broke away from the ground, leaving town. He only summed up the story without be to explicit.
-if he had told me anymore than want I wanted to know, about a topic I had zero tolerance for he would have wasted his last breath on this planet.
"L-L-Listen man it wasn't p-p-personal it was business...we were told stories about you for a background...YOU GOT TO BELIEVE ME!"
I stood up from the chair, "I believe you." A dieing man wouldn't lie, not in moments of weakness. "But your god has no mercy for you." 

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