Chapter 8-2: Future Reward

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"Attention ASS-Less, you're trespassing on Branwen territory. Pull back your forces." He shouted to the fleet above us. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He wore Summers white cape around his shoulders. When where why? "I know you can hear me! Let the person in charge speak."
"Commanding officer of operation iron underworld. Winter Schnee." Her voice echoed throughout the field like some divine being.
"I'm not to shocked about this. But at least you have some compassion. What exactly are you doing here!"
"As of 32 hours ago my orders by General Ironwood, capture Y/N Kamwui from his local resident. Dead or alive."
Those order seem simple enough, but it was so black and white that there seems to be pieces that shouldn't fit in what she's saying.
"24 hours!" He announced with pride, "give me 24 hours and I'll come with you."
"Why should I listen to your demands?"
"There a new tempo on the battlefield. if you assault now your troops morale could drop significantly. It would look bad on you." Y/N was mocking her like a game of poker he's throwing everything. An all in bet.
The field was quite. I used the time of silence to round up my people bring them back to camp. My head twisted and turned every so often I'd glance back at Y/N his posture never changing. We got as many people as we could, the ones still breathing that is back.
"24 hours! We will return best not to chose the wrong side again."
With words alone Y/N managed to turn all five atlas warships away. To see the length they are willing to go for just one person makes people think.
"Y/N!" I sprinted whole heartedly, he tossed a large chunk of metal over his shoulders like it was nothing? "What's the plan?"
"I'll talk about it more inside. For now I just bought time before everything here burns." His causation was painted all over his face, "it didn't sound right. Even through the inner com. Winter sounded... I can't find the words or maybe I just don't wanna know."
"And that cape. That new weapon. Y/N what happened..."
"Raven, we've got a lot to talk about. Later though, right now we have to get back." As he walked back to a motorcycle I remembered that bitch. She laid crippled. Is she pretending to be weak!
"Milla! What the hell is she doing here? Y/N you can't be serious after all the trouble she put you through your just going to forgive her and have her walk in my camp."
"I was given a second chance why can't I do the same for some one else." Y/N avoid any facial interaction and proceed to do his own thing.
"Do you really think I'm gonna allow!"
"RAVEN!" Turning his head his eyes were ones that he shot to his enemies, "I. Will. Tell. You everything."


Archer took Milla to the camps medic to hopefully stabilize her health. Lancer took my bike storing it in the back of the camp. While Raven and I went back to her tent. All the while the camp people panicked chaos ran cross field. I only have 24 hours to get ready to explain to her the truly. So I exactly that. I told her that summer knew about the operation ironwood had approved. To take me in custody dead or alive. I told her the best I could about Salem. I told her about Milla and her current condition. Her grim is eating away at her memories.  it explains why when we saw each other again she didn't recognize me. She doesn't have much longer to live until her soul is completely devoured.
"And that white cape, and that overly large weapon."
I told Raven I saw summer once more. My mentality wasn't stable. So Summer and I fought once more. I told Raven how strong Summer truly was being able to shatter all seven swords. In the end in order to save me Summer was willing to sacrifice herself to save my humanity. All I have to show for it was a new sword of all our destroyed weapons and her cape. I draped over my shoulders.
"You killed her." Raven whispered.
"I did." Raven grabbed me by the collar pulling me towards her. A series of punches impacted my face and abs. She called me a murdering bastard. A thief of a happy family. Family killer. Her word kept coming just like her punches. I rested my arm on Ravens shoulder. She right hooked my abs I leaned forward she had set me up for a chain combo. Raven kneed my center mass. Wrapping her hand around my face she swept her feet underneath mine slamming me down on her floor.
"Why shouldn't I kill you here and now to save Atlas the trouble." Her grip around my neck tighten.
"You can kill me if you want. You have all the right to do so." I rose my left arm resting my hand on Ravens cheek tracing down her chin, "do it after I make sure Summer didn't die in vain. By doing something right for once."
"Sorry to interrupt," Saber stood over Raven and I, "the people have gathered around wishing for you to speak."
"Who?" Raven and I said in unison with an awkward look to let it sink in.
Saber left without saying anything else. Let us figure it out. It should be clear who the leader is, Raven thought. She pushed off my throat to stand up. Grabbing her sword and her mask she was engulfed by the bright light.
I can't seem to find the right choice to make. What if you made the wrong choice by giving me this chance.
In moments I can hear the people shouting, questioning, speculating, doubting. Raven must be having a hard time. I know those that followed the Kamwui tribe inner graded with the people here already making a life and family of their own here. More mouths to feed and so on.
I could use some help, y'know. I'm not a great leader like you. If I had some respect for myself just some admiration then maybe the people that were close to me wouldn't have died the way they did. I glanced over at that large sword, a piece of life that was made through destruction. I held your cape close to my face mimicking what you did when you needed a moment to think. When people were planing 2 steps ahead you were already ten ahead. What can I do?

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