Chapter 3-1: Invisible Sensation

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Many years later....


I used my semblance to get as close as I possible could to the camp site. I snuck in flying over the camp. Until I could change back in my human form behind a pile of barrels. I came to Y/N unarmed, not the best words to use with his situation. Not even walking out to blend with the camp I had already been called out. I didn't want any violence on his turf.
What an honor being escorted to see my husband it almost felt like royalty. i looked around the camp off to the side I saw the arena field just the same as it was years ago. He and I fought there most of our time during the time of the Black Sea Battle. My mind reminisced even creating burry images of Y/N and I sparing on the same field.
"Raven Branwen, as i live and breath." Y/N announced himself fully armed with Aoi on his back and his new arm made by atlus, "what you doing here Raven. You should be home with Yang. Staying completely out of this situation."
"I came as a proxy for Qrow and Summer," he held out his hand silencing me from speaking. He jerked his head back. He couldn't say no to me not even after all these years. Everyone had went back to doing your camp duties while Y/N and I spoke in private in his tent, "seems you have a lot of things under control here. Find any other girls to chase up her skirt?"
"That's not funny Raven..." Y/N refused to let any teasing happen. He's become a stubborn man at this point.
"I mean you- whoa!" Already he's made the first move, wrapping his arm around me pulling me in toward him. I could tell he was happy to see me. Maybe that's why he wanted to speak in private to kiss me first.
-For now let's act like adults.
As we both pulled away resting our heads against each other, Y/N was able to smile in front of me. Okay. I'll enjoy this just a bit longer. Pulling out heads back I looked in to his eyes one was miss colored. Rather one was a scar of the past. The thing about Y/N's semblance it had a physical feature i had never notice. Sure his abilities are enhanced a great deal, however Y/N explained he would lose color in his eyes. Everything became black and white. Now one of his eyes was compete silver, or grey.
I remember he had beautiful (E/C) eyes the first time we meet. the second time his eye became Crimson due to his linage. now they were back to his normal eye color, but only one remained his natural eye color.
He removed his arm away from my waist we had begun the negations, "now you came as a proxy for you brother and Summer. Now why would you go out of your way to do that Raven."
"To stop you from doing anything crazy! What happen years ago shouldn't be you motive to go with such a outrage plan of yours."
"Ah but darling that's where your wrong. it should have take me sooner to realize. My dad was one crafty sonofvabitch. He flat out knew he wouldn't accomplish anything during his life span. So he threw that burned on to me. So is the sins of our fathers or some shit like that." That Philosophical speaking of his made him sound like a lunatic. He walked away having his back towards me.
I need stop him... I have to stop him. I will! I cant have him die not after all this time! I looked on the table Ace of Rose, the revolver General Ironwood gave him, idly siting on the table. I lunged for his gun-

Many years ago....

It had already been a week since we "came home" to our loving family. Y/N was now without question going to be the new leader of the Branwen Tribe. He told Terra he wasn't going to take that mantel up just yet. Okay good on his part I guess. Why would anyone follow someone that's not the leader? Maybe I'm looking at this from a wrong perspective. Or maybe I'm just looking at this all wrong and not making any sense right now.
I stepped back looking at Raven and Y/N spar for the past hour or two. They've been going at each other non stop before lunch.
"Qrow! Whatcha doing?" Thank god some company, " it again today." Summer slouched her eyes and shoulders, "those two really need to take a break."
"Can you blame them? Can you blame us? We only have a few more weeks before we head back to Aquarius port and we start this fight."
Five months into a few weeks. Time was our ally now it's out foe.
-whoa where did Y/N learn a trick like that?!
They fought each back and forth gaining ground losing ground. The sound of their toothpicks swords echoed throughout the camp. No one payed any mind to it.
-oh so this is what Belle was talking about. It's all coming back to me now.
Raven ran towards Y/N, jump then a kick, he lost all his ground. Raven was good at acrobatics she landed on both feet. Y/N stabbed his stick into the ground using it at a pole to spin around on. Y/N curled his legs in, once he swung completely around he extended his legs completely out pushing Raven away.
"Oh wow..." Summer in complete awe clap amused. No way Raven and I made that move our own yet Y/N copied it to a T.
I couldn't tell if they were sparring or trying to kill each other. That look in Y/N's eye sent a chill the hairs on my neck stood up. It was like I was looking in that black void of that grim mask he wore.
Hanging the weapon over his shoulder Y/N glided across the ground swing down up, back down swing around and over his head. Holding positive control of his weapon. Charging his arm back his weapon was apparel to the ground, it looked like he was stabbing the air itself. The human body looked like a five point star and Y/N was practically tracing the outline with each puncture. Raven at least she tried to dodge but two out of every five strikes wouldn't hit. I could hear the whoosh and whissish from where I was at.
Y/N's weapon dug into the ground swing upwards lunching up a vein of dust in the air. Raven block but it pushed her back. another heavy swing upward Ravens weapon snapped in half the tip spun up in the air while the bottom half remained in her hand. Y/N had one more swing but with Raven Defenseless I don't think. I mean her aura could. What am I thinking!
-shit Y/N is gonna!
Raven clenched her body before "Bang..." Y/N held out is fingers in the shape of a gun, "looks like I win Raven. On the account of your weapon breaking and you being cut in half."
What the hell? Was he holding back? Then why the serious look? Does he still have aggression towards Raven right now?
"Oh bullshit! I kicked you first remember!" Raven attempting to counter argue.
"Yeah you did, but did you remember I kicked you back? You could have called it but you still kept going. That one's on you." Y/N smiled as he walked away Raven kicking and screaming trying to get his attention, but as soon as he turned his back that smile washed away. A mask over someone else's face. If you really do love her, Y/N, you'd stop hiding beneath that mask you have around her.
"What a remarkable fight." Terra clapped his hands, "hard to believe all that strength came from just one person."
"You saying Raven isn't strong enough! After the hell we've been through from the beginning!"
"Qrow stop, I'm sure that's not what Terra meant." Summer muttered.
"Thank you, Summer. I'm sorry Qrow allow me to rephrase my words. Earlier those two were on equal footing, they didn't try to use dirty tricks on one another each one of their moves was countered and fought back. In a sense they were talking through their weapons and dancing all the same. But like a stream if you disrupt the follow, splitting the water where it separates into two different routes, that is where the dance becomes thrown off one partner is moving fast than the other can keep up. Those two are a beautiful stream that you see when one goes hiking in the mounts. When the sun is high in the sky at the right angle you could see the reflection coming off the water. Now something is thrown into that stream to disrupt that flow."
"You said you were gonna rephrase that. I didn't think you were gonna spout of some nonsense."
"Nonsense," Terra giggles shrugging his shoulders, "maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It only nonsense if not completely understood."
God damnit am I really gonna have to get involved in these two trying to make up! That's not my job as a brother or a friend to ether one of these two. I'm not playing Cupid! Those to can crash and burn for all I care...they can-they can...UAaaaaa!
"Damn trouble makers!" I shouted before I ran off, Summer called out my name before following behind me.

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