Chapter 7-1: new side, old stories

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Two years, it's been two years since Y/N has hung up his quest for revenge. However that didn't stop him from gathering information day by day or week by week. Our assault on Ozpin and Lionheart really pointed some bad fingers on us. Y/N just wanted to be told the truth.
Summer and Qrow did their best to convince Ozpin to not to hunt down Y/N anymore. Time and time again Y/N would find himself raising his sword not for blood shed rather fight for those he believes in.
Things weren't adding up if Y/N wasn't a wanted man anymore then why are people still hunting him down? We discussed our issues behind closed doors, we- he didn't want to get Yang mixed up in his affairs. I discussed privately with Summer and Qrow see if they knew anything but nothing would come up.
A new issue had been stirring up over the months. Y/N night terrors, waking up in cold sweat clutching his chest gasping for air as if something was sucking the life out of him. He managed to call down after I held him in my arms. Was it something personal or was it an actual medical condition I'd like to know but Y/N refused to get checked out.

A few months after we saw each other he explained to me everything thing he knew up to this point. Odysseus and Penelope suited themselves with machine battle suits created by the relics. How he was the polar opposite of sliver eyed warriors. A trait that takes people of Kamwui years to develop it requires a lot of stress thrown on the user. According to him it took control of his body. I laughed at such a joke. I wouldn't have taken him seriously if he didn't actually show me. It was a flick of a switch somewhere in the brain. His grey left eye instantly turned a purple hue color.
He said that a woman named Salem has caused a lot of problems for him, I resent her cause of it. Cause of Salem he says he's been think about summer a lot. I though about it the wrong way until he spoke more about it. Those two are the opposite sides of the same coin. One being the protector of life and the other being the cause of death. Summer had potential to become an amazing huntdress only thing hold her back was her emotions to keep hold of the friends she cares about. Lucky Odysseus helped her open her mind accepting things as they are and using even sadness to be a beacon of hope. He could put a finger on it but Y/N felt outclasses until Summer came along to help Y/N control his emotion. As silver eyes light can burn away grim. Purple eyes can burn humans to ash as well. Not something you'd wanna have lose of its chain.
Saber Archer and Lancer ran running the tribe for the time being two long years I wonder how they've been substantiating the tribe? It hasn't cause Y/N any trouble so that's fine I guess. Or Y/N has been helping out just not letting anyone know about it. I know he has secrets from me not out of guilt he just doesn't want anyone to worry. This man doesn't always have to put on big pants twenty four seven he can relax every once in a while.

That was all business as for home life. I've never seen Y/N act so protect as a father when it comes to Yang. Making sure she is never hurt. It worries this father wanting to protect his little princess.
King, princess that just a bad joke.
When Yang has caught the common cold he wouldn't leave her side no matter what the cause. Until he got sick cause of it. I had to take care of both of them. I wonder what new adventure waits for us in the future.


"Y/N, have you seen Yang I haven't see her all..." I was wondering why the house was so quite. Both of them were fast asleep on the couch. Yang all snuggled up in her daddy's chest. It adorable how much he cares for her. I had gone ahead grabbing a blanket for them to share. It didn't take long for Y/N to wake up in a panic.his body jolted as if electricity ran through his body. his eyes spoke volumes with fear in his eyes, "are you okay?"
Y/N would have gone a bit more sporadic even jumping up from the couch. Yang was still asleep causing Y/N to remain still, in control of his shocked body.
"Y-Yeah I'm find."
"What did you experience?" I asked.
"I. I don't know. I could see I couldn't breath I couldn't." Again he started to panic. Stroking his hair front to back he calmed down a bit. Enjoying my finger nail scratch against his scalp. His brows rose his eye rolled to the back of his head. He's like a child some times. No more like a dog. A cat possibly.
"Want me to take Yang to bed?"
"No, I'll do it. I need to head up stairs anyway."
I stood and watch as he took our daughter to bed. What does he need upstairs? I figured he'd need some rest. I looked at the digital clock that sat quietly on the night stand. Little past twelve. It's about time for another session with Summer.
Two months after Summer and her team came back from Heavon she's been help Y/N control his emotions. Not that he's a uncontrollable emotional reck, rather both silver eyes and heliotrope eyes are fueled by strong desire.
There is a catch to it though. Silver eyes are to preserve life, heliotrope eyes is meet to destroy life.
It must be rough on him. I want to help and support Y/N in anyway I can. This is a trail he needs to over come himself.

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