Chapter 6-8: Once More To A Calm

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It hurt to stand, it hurt to brush my teeth. It hurt to think of a future where I didn't have to fight. No more fighting no more blood shed. No more pain, no more suffering.
My left arm was hung across my body by a shirt tied around my neck. The faucet had warm running water. This sucks, I thought looking at my reflection in the mirror. I dragged my lower left eye lid down. My left eye was on its own schedule, I was dull grey. No light reflected off, it was lifeless.
"Up and about you sure that's a good idea?" Summer popped in my bathroom, arm folded across her chest leaning against the door frame, "your semblance is enhancement right? Well I see it more as a trade. Lose color in your eyes for a stronger and faster body all around."
I cuffed my hand into the running water drinking to wash out the toothpastes, "yeah, to bad its recovery time sucks. Depending on how long or how drastic i use it. the recovery takes longer than usual."
"Is that why you were in medical for so long after the fight with Raven? I just figured you got beaten to a pulp and tried to hide from the shame." Summer openly mocked behind me. She let a little giggle slip from her lips.
"Hardy har Summer. So whatcha need?" I turned around as she waited behind me three inches close to me.
To close to close!
She rested her hand on the left side of my face her attention was to my left eye, "i wanted to talk. maybe I don't know, could help you like Odysseus helped me when... When my heart was fill with malevolence towards you."
Towards me? Oh, right I called STRQ my enemy even lifting my blade towards them, to Summer and Qrow. I figured if you actually called a friend an enemy I figured they would have some ill feeling towards you I suppose. With that being said, Summer held herself to a higher presence. What kind of a mentor was Odysseus to Summer? I can't seem to explain it perfectly, but Summer looked a bit mature. She presented herself like a coach or a mentor for me. Her hate towards me managed to fade? Dim?
"What did you wanna talk about?" I asked, pulling her hand away from my face.
"Mostly about what happens next, for you. And for the all of us."
"You mean for Raven and I as well as Yang. Huh." I responded. Summer shook her head, "considering the fact My quest has brought me towards Heavon I'll be head somewhere new. Or I might end up going bad to the Tribe."
"Why? You have a family Y/N don't you care!"
"Of course I do. I can't ignore the fact that being around my family puts them in harms way Summer. The huntsmen and huntdress that attacked my mothers home almost killed Yang. Maybe if you actually had a family that was so fucked up and had a family of your own you'd understand."
"Don't you think I would want that!" Summer blurted out she had a serious expression on her face. Her face became rose red. She'd want to have a family? With who? Qrow? Tai? Now I had started laughing in front of her, "what's so funny!"
"Honestly i feel sorry for any poor sonofvabitch that would try to harm the Rose family."
"Even if that harm was coming from the inside." Summer muttered under her breath. Avoiding eye contact. Why does she have to do that. I get it I was an asshole. Or rather that fake me was an asshole. Its hard to explain to them at this point.
"Maybe the mood is rightfully setup." Lancer made her presents know waiting behind summer. Mood? We both looked confused, "let me explain. Y/N how much do you know about Kamwui's curse."
"As much as I was told by Terra. Using my grim as a catalyst Another person is able to connect their aura with me it's an never ending cycle of aura going back and forth between two individuals. Since the grim uses the trapped aura in a confined space nothing slips out nor slips in. And some other things that are a bit wishy washy."
"Impressive. My semblance isn't much of combat related, however it is able to share space with someone's mind. Placing someone's consciousness in someone's else's mind, that can go a long way in communication. That being said it won't work with just anyone. There needs to be a complete connection with two people. In a sense I become a portal for two people."
"So is that why you and summer laid next to me!" I attempted to put the pieces together. Funny while this curse was external, Lancer's semblance was smiliar but more internal. Summers appearance wasn't just my imagination but her actually helping me, "I mean what you two did seriously helped me. I feel like I am all of me now. Summer do you wanna give it a try."
"Ah sure. So umm, Lancer? What do we need to do?" she was a bit off putting confused by what actions needed to take place. Hell I was on her side what do we do?
"If there's a physical connection it will have a perfect effect. But," Lancer looked at my arm in it's poor cast. There could be alternatives?

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