Chapter 3-2: Dance with your parnter to the song of Atonement

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Where am I? This didn't feel right. Was I dreaming again. Looking above and below a light from up above coated the land. It had a very unique pattern all around me. They almost looked like windows. So where's the light coming from? A large build with empty space. A cathedral? Possibly, I couldn't make out most the objects around me since it was coated in shadows. Question is how did I get here? When did I get here? If I remember correctly Terra, Raven and I gathers in a tent, Terra pulled out a lamp and I recall smelling a certain aroma in the air.
"Y/N?" A distance voice called out uncertain a bit timid as well.
"R-Raven?" She stepped I to light a beautiful red dress that stopped at her ankles, had caught my eyes. It complimented her womanly figure. In true awe I couldn't believe who I was starring at. Her hair was tied up in a bun with the right side of her hair, a feather hair clip was attached, "where did that dress come from?"
"Me what about you? Where did you get a tuxedo? And where are we?"
-I've been in I awkward situations before mate, but this one certainly tops some past events.

Few hours earlier...

I can't believe I'm doing this...I CANT BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS!
"Tai! Where have you been? It's like you've been gone almost this whole trip."
"Sorry, I've just been talking to Rita this whole time." Tai tried to introduce me to her, however Rita took it among herself to introduce herself.
"It's a pleasure to me you Mr. Branwen. I heard much about you. I'm Rita Anno one of Moka Kamwui's agents." Rita greeted holding out her hand. I returned the gesture, formally shacking her hand. Weird totally not like me. She said she heard much about me? How?
"How is that so? I've haven't."
"We looked a little into the Branwen twin. I must say those records don't do you any just, It's a honor to meet you."
"Flattery will get you every Rita. If you don't mind my asking. What have you been talk my friend about. Non stop you two have just been going at it." Calling out what I see, Tai allowed Rita to do all the talking.
"Well, I discovered something new it mostly focuses on our Aura. As we know our aura is our life force, it protects as like an invisible shield surrounding us. It can be used offensively, infusing aura into an element such as water, fire. It would greatly enhance that said element ten times over." Would it be a bad time to say I knew that since Y/N had shown it during combat with Aoi? "But I thought if an individual could enhance an element I thought what if you could enhance someone else aura!"
"I'm sorry what?"
That ability almost sounds like a semblance. But people using it like second nature unbelievable.  Rita continued on her theory. She brought up Raven and Y/N, as well as the battle of gods a year ago. Where he lost everything.
During the fight with Hinoka, Y/N's aunt. Raven and Y/N's aura synced/linked/connected/intertwined, however you want to put it! That every instant they both acted as one entity.
Okay so two people fighting as one move exactly one shadowing the other. Rita sounded a bit outrageous I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Sound like a real plot hole in a bad story.
"But the thing is this can't happen on a *snap* of a finger. Both people which would be the vessel, would need to have equality, or just equal. Which Raven and Y/N were at the time, their aura was critical their mindset was the same. HOWEVER! That dominating factor of that battle was." A pause for dramatic effect she was really into this, "Y/N Grimm cruse or whatever."
-okay never mind the plot hole. Where is this going?
Rita looked at the interest in my eye as I fixed my body leaning forward to hear more, "Yes my theory sounds completely unbelievable, but add in another element into an unsolvable equation you are given more to work with. Raven and Y/N became the vessels for their aura to travel back and forth between those to, but if you don't have another force to keep that aura in one place."
"It just becomes a larger force." I threw my two sense in.
"You're not wrong! Now if you use Y/N's Grimm as a catalyst or that other forced i mention to keep that aura trapped in one spot then it wouldn't have anywhere else to go except...." clearly the answer was right in front of my face. Like what Rita said if you have an unsolvable problem add a new variable and the solution becomes clear. Raven and Y/N possibly have a few things they want to get off their chest, but if they were told the truth that would complicate their relationship even more! Words aren't ether of their strong suits so if we were to put them in a situation or environment where they didn't have to speak but feel! then they could working things out. In theory. The next problem is trying to get those two in the same room together!
"Qrow is there a problem," Terra strolled his way behind me.
-thus another variable is added for an unsolvable problem.
We needed Y/N and Raven to be in a position where they were both in a state of restlessness. Their senses dull, mentality thinking they were in a life or death situation. Which was all said an good. Now the problem is Y/N's Grimm side being that outer force to keep them together.
-why am I doing this! This is not my problem!
Pulling Terra aside to explain the situation wasn't easy or understandable but he just stood there accepting.
"And that's the situation, I know I'm not being fair to both parties cause one side feels the other...but-but god damnit! They don't deserve to be against each other in this mindset."
"Qrow there's nothing wrong with what your trying to do. Honestly it's perfect. Sure I may agree it does feel a little forced, but as you said their aura is trapped, confided in their own space. If words can't be used then I know another way. Try to get Raven in the tent in the far back of the camp I'll try to get Y/N."

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