Chapter 3-6: Heart to Heart

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It didn't matter what the reason was behind the battle we fought and fought and fought some more. If the crew of the Order of Swords weren't going to die by our hands they would die from Baels hands. I kind of understood the type of man he was as a fighter. Ether die fighting or die by me, should have been plastered on the side ship.
I recalled times before all of this, when I went to visit Lady Mikoto. Raven had managed to travel with me, sure the ride getting there was a pain by waking up next to woman you love. Enjoying a meal with family for once in my life I couldn't have been anymore happy. My semblance was enhancing my body for a moment but to me it felt like my semblance could have been misfortune like Qrow's or death. No matter where I go someone somewhere always ends up breathing their last breath one way or another.
Instead of the sunlight hitting my face early in the morning the blood of the crew splattered on the side of my cheek. Milla's weapon sure is a bitch to swing especially with all these walking targets around me. We've been fighting for a while now there was enough people that I eventually started to work up a sweat. Yet Bael wasn't anywhere on the battlefront. Summer ceased her cannon fire just in case a lose round managed to hit the three of us.
Right! If Milla's weapon is just 5 smaller swords making one big sword then maybe I can. Separate them apart. Ripping off a small blade from the side throwing it across the deck as it impaled a crew member. I jammed the weapon into the deck of the ship this time I ripped of the Edge of the blade. It was lighter it weighted just about Aoi did.
Eventually summer and Tai were side by side to the ship our crew member of Archangel stormed the Order of Sword. What a blood bath this was becoming the sea being stained with crimson red.
"Hey JACKASS!" Who's yelling? The next i felt was my ribs and abs crunching my insides being twisted in a counter clockwise motion lifting me off the ship deck at least 2 feet off the ground.
Well we'll the bitch with the black hair finally made her way to the battle field. Her breathing was uncontrollable. Her eyes could pierce through steel with how sharp and heated they are. "What's the matter mad I took your weapon, next time don't have it laying around!" Hold on how is she even moving her body can't recover that quickly in her current state. She should still be in pain, groaning moaning In agony. Screw it I should have killed her when I had the chance!
"Believe me it won't happen again." Milla held her weapons in her hands respectively. Wait when the hell did she? So her semblance has improved she can move faster than my eyes could track. So now Milla has the upper hand. She ran her weapon across her body looks like she's ready to charge at me full force. She guided across the deck like she was hovering in midair.
"Y/N!!" Moka shouted falling from the sky, no way she could save me even if she tried. I looked down and Milla's feet were frozen to the deck. No way that's a cheat shot. Moka landed on the deck blocking Milla's strike.
-Damn...a large chinch of metal didn't even push Moka back even a little.
"I got this! Just go fine Bael and end this quickly!" Moka order me.
"Are you nuts! You can't fight Milla alone-" my words were cut short as Moka push Milla's weapon aside punching Milla in the gut breaking the ice sending her flying, "okay, but I don't have my-"
"Lord Y/N I believe these are yours." Rita handed Aoi and Ace of Rose to me.
-CAN I JUST! Can I just say a goddamn sentence before I'm cut off again.
"There happy, ill handle Milla just end this god damn battle already. There's enough blood spilled for one battle."
How much blood is enough blood on a battlefield? I swung Aoi across my body cutting down human after human faunace after faunace. The ends of the blade doesn't care who you are, what your name is. It's purpose was to protect and kill. My purpose was to protect and kill.
"Bael! Bael get down here and fight me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs parrying any strike that had came my way. I felt a cool presence slither down my spin my hair on my neck stood straight up.
"Careful What you ask for slugger," his voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Metaphorazicly speaks it hurt me to hear him. The color of world around me faded into black and white, but I could make out the color of his aura that presented itself around Bael black and red, horrid color on this man. Our blades clashes, sparks scattered in the air, knocking each other back. I blocked one of Baels strike's with my Grimm arm, well the silhouette it casted mostly took the hit.
"Is that all you got?" I taunted throwing Bael back he skid on his ass on the wooden floor.
"Not bad kiddo," he stood up like it didn't even phase him. Tch, what a hard ass his effort to look like a father was failing every moment he talked, "but I won't let you have the upper hand in this fight!" His bare hand wrapped around my face through the cracks of his finger I could see a devilish smile running across his face. The only word I could make out to describe it. A Reaper. The force of the wind blew behind my back my body felt limp. All this time I never figured my father's semblances was.
"Y/N!!" A voice so faint I couldn't tell who was shouting my name.
Bael threw me down, my body had felt the force of the moment as I crashed on the deck of my ship, "there I don't think anyone will bother us here." No on right the only ones on the ship were a small group of people to ensure nothing happened to the ship. All this trouble just for me to talk to some woman I only met in my childhoods memories even then feels like a waste of time, "I don't get it? You go through all this trouble just to keep a few people safe and me out. I'm trying to help you. Do you have any idea how hard it was to earn Salem's trust. Do you have any idea what it feels like to have everything then have it taken away from you!"
-no but I get the general idea.
I had everything before, when I was younger. I had a girl I admire I wanted to be her equal or even greater. That was instantly taken away when a certain asshole wanted to act independently to where his wife and son had to be exiled from the family just because he thinks it would keep them safe. But then that same woman worked day in day out to keep a health life for her son all alone, with no help from her husband. All those years the son had to train get stronger be the man he never wanted to end up as.
So don't stand there lecturing me as if I don't know the meaning of struggles!
It was due to all that bullshit I dealt with made me grasp a better concept of the life I had that I shouldn't waste it whether that's fighting for my life or traveling all over remnant.
Shit my back hurts...
"Don't talk like I don't know how it feels. I walked out on friends I considered family to me, more times than I should have. Cause I was afraid if I got to close to them that eventually they would leave and I would end up alone again!" Stabbing Aoi in the floor trying to stand my feet, my eyes darted towards Bael, gritting my teeth, "I'll be damn if a sorry excuse for a man, husband, father! will keep me from that FAMILY OF MINE!!!" I charged forward swing my sword underneath his legs. Obviously he jumped up from my swing, assuming our mindset were going to play out like this.
Bael slams on Aoi leaving my trapped underneath his feet, where he could strike me from above. It was a simple idea that would only take a few seconds.
What he didn't account for was the hunter, that still held command of Archangel, striking from his blindside twisting their fist pivoting on the balls of their toes into their strike. you could hear their ribs cracking, "need some help." Tai held out his hand giving me a lift up, "that was a real tear jerker Y/N, I'll have to make up my wishlist for the holidays."
"Make it out of this I might consider, just buying you a gift card to the local frozen yogurt shop in Vale." Bael shrugs of the punch as if it nothing, pompous ass, "whatever. Tai. Let's kick his ass."

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