Chapter 5-4: Parents and Children

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A/N: throughout the duration of this chapter this song will play on repeat.


Raven and I finally pulled away from our reunion. No matter how hard anyone could try, the smile on my face was pure genuine long lasting. Mom had prepared a home cooked breakfast meal for us. I wonder how long it's been since I had a meal that didn't involve having to watch my plate and drink just Incase it got spiked with a drug.
Sunny side up eggs four pieces of bacon side of butter toast. I cut yoke of the egg ass it oozed it's yellow cream out scooping it up with the toast I launch the food down my mouth. I didn't scarf it down like I normally would. I had table manners, when it came to being around my mother. Raven and Belle just looked at me as I ate. Eventually I closed my eyes trying to hide my swelling eyes.
-right I didn't realize I still had my left eye closed. Raven was on my right side. I was wonder why mom kept looking at me.

"Raven I think it's best that you bring her down to meet her father." Belle said. Raven rubbed my back not saying a word before heading up stairs. Is this really how I'm going to me my child? "Y/N, what's wrong. A parent can always tell that there's something wrong with their child."
I finished the remnant of my breakfast, playing dumb with her, "I have no idea what your talking about."
"Then cut the half awake shut eye. I something is wrong so show me your left eye already young man." I didn't try to fight back or change the subject. I opened the shut eye lid. Belle all but sighed making her way over to me. She had the look of a concern mother as she comfort the top of my eye, "I must assume you had an encounter with Salem. Your look says it all. I just didn't think it would happen so soon."
"How do you know about Salem!" I panicked my mother knew a little more than what she was letting on all these years ago.
"I know Of her. When I was growing up I was born into a cult that worshiped her. She was their goddess. And Kamwui was her shadow army. The cult and Kamwui was how I met your father. Salem had taken an heavy interest in you when you were only a babe. There's a lot of things you didn't know back then, a lot I kept hidden from you. So it's best I through it out there before Raven comes back." She paused inhaling deep and controlled before she continued, "Your grandmother didn't play the neutral part that she promised. Your uncles and Aunt were also having screams of their own. Even Bael himself. I recall your father taking me out on a well need vacation from you. I was new to parenting I had no idea what I was doing. I thought little of it. your uncles, aunts, even grandmother were going to watch over you. That was just the start to events that will slowly benign to unfold. Mikoto had taken you to Salem herself. Those to had a 'special' relationship. Which was around the time you were blessed with the Kamwui's gift. When we came back I had a feeling something was wrong, but I thought nothing of it. As years passed, later I found out what Mikoto had done. I asked your father for help, which had led us to leaving the Household. I know you must have hated me for such a selfish act. You had just a joyous smile whenever you would visit the Branwen tribe meeting Raven and Qrow. I didn't want to take that away from you, but a mother has to do what is rig hut to protect her child."
"Why are you telling me" I was at a lost of words even thoughts couldn't come to me. I was just a pawn in some mind manipulation game of a cult and Kamwui. I'm sure Bael didn't use Belle for some means. But then everything that's happen to me to Kamwui it's all lead up to me meeting Salem again! All the death! Bloodstains! Pile of corpse below me have just been made up for one person!
"Y/N!" My mother cuffed my cheeks starring me in the eyes, "I told you once long ago, and I mean it. I pray that your sword will give you an answer about the type of man you want to become. Do not lose your humanity Y/N. That alone is what makes you different from the cult and Kamwui."

"I'm back..." Raven renounced herself walking down stairs holding a blanket bundled up. Belle wrapped her arm around me. Raven walked closer and closer until I could see what, who she was holding. They had the same skin complexion as Raven, but had different color hair then Ravens or mine. If anything it was more Tai's hair color. Is this really my child?
"Well, are let you going to hold your daughter Y/N." Belle said.
"B-But s-She. I. She had Ravens complexion but Tais hair?! How can she even." I was lost for words. I don't know what I was in denial.
"you don't remember much about your childhood besides Raven and fighting. Or much about your father and I. I'm a blonde naturally. You had blonde hair until your grimm altered you physically changing your hair from blonde to you hair color now. Everything about Raven and you are in this little ember of life. Be proud of what the two of you have done."
I held out my arms as Raven transferred the baby into my arms. She still had her eyes closed, sound asleep. Oh...this is what this feels like. Cradling her in my arms, I couldn't feel my heartbeat. In that split moment, holding my daughter. Words left me, thoughts faded. I love her. I love Raven. This time I couldn't stop the water works from running. To think I missed this little girls brith cause of my wanted head. I stood up from walking over to the living room, practically shuffling on the floor. I sat on the couch rocking my daughter in a fair motion not to wake her up. I didn't realize another set of hand each out to her. I jolted back, it startled my mother. I don't know. This was the first time holding my daughter I didn't want it to be my last.
"Already acting like a protective father now." Belle ruffled my hair, but Raven set it back to its natural posture.
"If I recall, Summer had said her name is Yang..." My father like smile faded just as it began to appear, "I...I don't think she should hold Kamwui's name. Nor L/N name. If people where to find out who she is and her father origin I feel nothing but the worst for her."
"What do you mean?" Raven was a bit confused of my words.
"I mean. To keep her safe and sound the only alternative is to..."
"NO!" Raven rose her voice, it wasn't enough to wake Yang, "you can be serious on giving our daughter a fake name. Your first interaction with her and already you going to set her on a path of lies."
"Raven, I'm not happy about this ether. I mean I have the both of you in my arms. But after what been going on and the recent development, I can't help but feel this is the best choice of her father."
"What about me! I'm her mother don't you think I have more of a say in this!"
I grabbed Ravens wrist pulling her down on the couch. Placing my hand on the back of her head resting her against my forehead, "I know Rav. I don't want to argue about it anymore than you do. The both of you are the world to me, and I will NOT be manipulated if anything where to happen to the both of you."
"Y/ did I fall in love with such a stubborn jackass."
There's someone I need to talk to. As much of a crazy circumstance we're in. It's best for my family.

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