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Several years later....


Summer once asked me what happiness looked like. I had said a beautiful summer day with the sun high in the sky and wind pressing through your body as you look at all the poofy clouds in blue the sky. She laughed knotting to my answer and saying what if you take a day like that, hold up a clear glass. What would you see?
She took me outside showing me the world sparkling through a clear glass. Everything was shinny as if every little thing was beautiful in its own right. Every little thing was beautiful...


"Is mom ever going to come back?" I asked sitting in front of Summer, combing my hair with her hands before grabbing the hair brush. My mom was always making sure my hair was maintained but when Summer does it it's always more relaxing. She doesn't get to frustrated on herself when she accidentally pulls my hair.
"She'll come back sweetheart. I'm sure of it." Summer reassured me. I sat there quietly.
"Did she go back to her old lover?"
"Where did you learn a term like that Yang?"
"She told me a story once. She said that one of the person she knew was intimately close to her. Mom said that a long time ago everyone was once friends with that person. Who is he?" I needed to know who this person was. If they were close to my mom then maybe I might know more about my family. They keep telling me that my dad is gone. on a far away trip. Keeping both mom and myself safe. Or maybe he didn't want to be around mom or I.
"He was a good friend to us all. He loved your mother very much. Yang how about we call Uncle Qrow over here and have a great time together! Just the three of us!"
Any time spent with Uncle Qrow always have Summer a head ache and Qrow and I time of laughs.


"Boss, it's time to wake up. It's time for our month gather." The voice of Archers voice rattled my head. He's was almost like my Personal secretary just more annoying. After all these years those three still remain by my side. That day when they swore to me I can never forget it. I was driven with pure rage. I wanted whoever took Yang to feel the wrath equivalent to a god's destruction. When they swore allegiance to me, I ripped them of their names giving them the names of their weapon category. They wanted to be purified this was their purification, "Y/N!"
"I got it! I'm up! I'm up!" I rolled out of bed. Looking myself in the mirror fixing my bed head. Examining my left heliotrope eye. There cannot be life without death. No light without darkness. No good without evil. Where did I start becoming such an ass? I threw on a cloth around my shoulders walking outside to the bright light in front of me. Where I...

Several years prior....

Kicked through the door of a run down bar. My eyes darted to a slim woman with short blonde hair. The people around the establishment stood from their tables. I pulled Aoi off my back, stabbing her in the ground twisting her handle until the blade burned scorching red, "you better order your puppies to sit. things could get a little hot in here..." she rose her hand as everyone sat back down still eyes were stabbing me in the back of my head, "it's a real pleasure to meet you Little Miss Malachite." I threw a pouch worth 5 thousand lien on the table she sat behind, "someone I knew talked to you once long ago. Says your good at having the spiders work for you." I dug my nails into the table as shards of wood chipped off, "I want information, worth what I just gave you." I snapped my fingers a man, was tossed inside, beaten half to death almost unrecognizable from all the blood and bumps on his face, "I would ask him myself. But I might end up killing him before I even had the chances to make an O sounds with my mouth."
"Say that I do help you. What will you do next?" Malachite asked spinning a fork around her fingers interest in what comes next.
I knew what came next after this. Following this information I know who I can point the blame on for attacking my house. Taking Yang from both Raven and I.
It was dropping off laundry that the cleaners. Just have to wait the next day to pick up the object later. For now I needed to do my own investigation.
"What's our next move?" Archer asked. Saber and Lancer also waited for my next instruction.
"We ask around. Get any information as we can. The number of huntsmen spiking up someone should know where they came from who told them about this place. Its to far from any city, farther south from Vale. I'm taking my own actions I'm sure Raven will take her's." Meaning she might involve Summer, Qrow, And Milla. Penelope and Odysseus have been gone, they'll pay for their actions. "For now we move fast make sure STRQ stays the fuck out of our way."
"What of your mother's personal guards?" Lancer asked.
"They. Will be my problem. personally."

The Worst One: Esperanto Branwen Where stories live. Discover now