Chapter 7-3: Fall Back Plans

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"Let's go over the plan once more." We gather around in one big messed up oval in the carrier, we were happily provided by a certain doctor from Atlus.
As much of a pain in my ass these three were they executed plans down to the littles details. Even thigh Lancer did most of the planning. A few months ago we were able to panic the people of Atlas and mantle saying how there was a large attack coming from the sky's. Someone had wanted to revolt against the kingdom's no one knew how why the reason. They just wanted to be safe. It took awhile for things to escalate to a level we found suitable. General Ironwood had deployed a good some of his air fleet to keep the people calm and in good order.
"We are only a few moments from making contact. With the snow storm covering us for our arrival. When we hit it perfectly we'll be able to take out at least one of their air carriers with Y/N's Xi. One that's all we need with the falling debris heading towards mantle we should be able to make at least thirty minutes before that gather themselves from the chaos. With in that time frame we will be jumping from air ship to air ship. Y/N, Saber, Archer, and myself with be the assault team. Raven you'll have to storm the academy on your own once you make it create a portal for the rest of us. That ends phase one. The beginning of phase two will be your personal business Y/N while the three of us form our escape route," Lancer pauses looking over at me with a bit of worry, "Are you sure about this. Once we go through with this. It will change everyone's lives. For better or worst."
I rose my head, everyone had their eyes on me. They wanted my answer. There was still time to back out of this plan. Change the lives of everyone for better or worst. For Raven, Yang, Qrow, Tai and Summer what happens here will change my status in everyone's eyes.
"I've waited long enough for answers why my family was being hunted down. If this bastard has anything to do with it. I'll cut him down myself."

We were getting ready to hit the air fleet. I Seven Sword Y/N L/N is going to raise hell becoming the monster Kamwui was so well known for.
We passed through the snow storm I counted ten air carriers up against our one little ship. Saber set the explosive on the ship. The rest of us waited at the edge. Loading six flame shells into Aoi attaching it to Xi. Archer started to climb in elevation heading straight towards the carrier in front of us. There was several attempts to hail our ship, Archer ignored them all. The Atlas carrier readied their cannons their target was to simple. They hailed our ship once more.
"GET READY!!" Archer screamed running to the back of our ship. The cannons fired we all jumped off our carrier. I heaved Xi and Aoi over my shoulder. Twisting its handles with both hand in different directions. Swinging the blade forward as it shot out a large flame slash. It looked at lot smaller than the one I used on Penelope, then again those flame dust missiles were absorbed into Xi.
That one attacked sores through the cold sky not being burned out by the cold air. Completely cutting that first carrier completely in half. I didn't worry about how everyone was going to get on the next air ship I worried about myself. Detaching Aoi, I load another six rounds reattaching it to Xi. Pointing my weapon down using its as a form of propulsion to raise me higher to the next ship.
Fuck it's cold up here in such high elevations.
I was only a few meter short from making it to the next carrier. Detaching Aoi from Xi I stored Xi back on my shield backpack.
This shield was a gift from Arthur Watts, in a way I was able to story most of my weapons on me. I see why I was given the name Seven swords now. It was just an attachment while the base attached to my back their was a arm that connected to the base to the actual shield that had full range of mobility swing back and forth up and down.
Loading another 6 shells in Aoi I used Katar that was strapped to my thy launching the blade into the ship carrier. To use the built up energy in Aoi to give me momentum to send myself up on top.
Boom stuck the super hero landing.
"You good," Lancer asked.
"Sure I am." I responded. I looked to the rear of the ship guess that sent out some drones to us. So my eye wont do anything to them. But that doesn't mean I can't rip them apart, "saber and Archer will meet us soon. I need to get built up anger out of me."
Lancer stayed back as I charged forward. Machines are machines no souls. Stabbing Aoi into the ground with one kill already in. Ripping Mikazuki Karusu off my shield swing down cutting that drone in half down the middle. Nothing but wires and bolts wires and bolts. Kicking my right foot back Aoi spun forward in the air. Blocking a blind attack from my rear with Mikazuki I ripped Aoi from free fall strike down my current attacker.
I know I'm giving play by play. But needed this. What I'm doing to these machines is nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to Ironwood. For what's its worth having Excalibur, Xi, and Mikazuki on this shield it felt like they weren't even there they were weightless. Until I actually pulled them off. Those fuckers had some weight to it.
Lancer remained in the back while I enjoyed myself. Finally they sent out a large robotic crab. What the fuck is this? All of a sudden they shifted into a large tank firing a large plasma cannon. Dropping my weapons I grabbed Xi lunging forward it absorbed every last bit of that plasma cannon. I dropped Xi on the ground. Ripping Excalibur off the shield running straight forward with no care in the world. I was only able to stab the tip of this blade in to this machine. But if I want this damn thing to puncture this fucking robot by god the damn thing is gonna have a hole through it.
I pressed forward slowly but surely it was going through. After a while of walking forward with some resistance the damn thing stopped moving.
"Fucking damn machine."
"Y/N look out!" Lancer altered me, my body moved automatically from any in coming attack. I saw a trail of scales burning a setting sun orange. Who ever was coming after me was coming straight across this war zone of destroying ships.
Unsheathing Siegfried our weapons slid against each other as spark flew in all directions I felt like I've seen this weapon before. My head felt like it pressed up against a stone wall. Their eyes screamed traitor while their body shouted I'm a warrior.
"You! You did all this!" They shouted at me like I was the bad guy. Well at this point in time you could say I am but it's a matter of perspective really.
"I'm sorry do I know you." I mocked grabbing his fucking Atlas Uniform collar showing my back to my enemy only for him to see the ground as a new sky. Flipping Siegfried backwards i stabbed the air ship completely missing my current target.
See that's why I enjoy fighting humans or faunces they make the hunting game more enjoyable. People have emotions and opinion on things that it also influences our survival instincts. I didn't think I'd use my mothers blade to kill someone with it. Dehuty, the hidden blade stored in my right forearm. I pulled my arm back making another hole into the ship. Another miss. This Atlas douche rolled on the floor to gain so distance. sheathing Siegfried and storing Dehuty back in my arm I gathered the rest of my four swords. Fuck it's hard to keep track of all these weapons.
Let me ask you something. Every keep something of value that reminds you of that certain individuals. It could be good memory. Sadly some of these weapons are representation of my family. Excalibur Honika, Mikazuki Karasu Ryoma, Katar Takumi, Siegfried Bael, Dehuty Belle, Aoi Mikoto. They people that were killed by my hands and by family's hands. Aunt Suzuka gave her life protecting Milla. I hope she's well aware of that.
"How! How can you be so twisted putting everyone's lives in danger." He shouted once more.
"How!" I shouted back. I shot Katas blade out having the wire wrap around their legs. Bring him back towards me. As he slid across the floor I stabbed Aoi in the plane again, "I'm after the bastard that put a hit on my family. What goes around comes around."
"What would your family think Kamwui!"
Mother fucker!
I kicked him across his face knocking him out. He does have any right to talk to me like that.
"That was every anti climax." Lancer approaches me from my rear.
"Yeah well I thought it was gonna be a more fun fight. Guess not."
A few more air carrier exploded everything falling towards Mantel. Suck to be those people right now. Everyone had a lose that's greater than someone's else's. The flames that will soon engulf the world below is just a small fraction of my anger. I want this world to know who I am, who can put fear in their hearts. Salem maybe pulling string from the backstage.   I want this world to know I want her to know. There will always be fear no matter what you think. I have no strings Salem not anymore to make me fret or make me frown I once had stings but now I feel free. Kamwui, Salem, I have no more strings on me.
"Y/N?" Lancer called out I turned around Saber and Archer stood behind me. I glanced once more to see ember evolving into burning flames. As if on cue a portal had appeared. Everyone had begun to walk though. I was stopped someone had some life in them, gripping my ankle. I looked down at the human below my feet.
"You won't get away with this."
"Sorry mate. You picked the wrong day to come into work."


The Atlas Academy, home of the uptight bullshit rules and a head master that's going to get his just deserves. These hallways looked so peaceful not a care to what was outside. Student were to graduate here they would stay at Atlas not begin able to enjoy the world outside of this cold tundra.
"Are you going to head up what if he's not even there?" Raven questioned my actions. What if Ironwood isn't here? I'm sure that bastard his waiting in his office for me to greet him with a bullet. The same revolver he gave me. What funny comedy his is.
"You all know what to do. Execute your jobs. Raven I need you to be bridge between our groups. Keep any atlas personal out of our hairs." I ordered. I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek storming to the higher levels.


I wasted no time. I stormed James' office with Aoi in hand I was aiming for answers. He had his back turned to me as she looked down that the destruction my team brought to Ironwood's door step.
"Beautiful isn't it." I said advancing forward to Ironwood's desk, "someone should take a picture."
"Is still so sort of sick joke." James voice felt tight holding in some aggression.
"Joke. I don't see anyone laughing nor myself for that matter. How about you James, you think sending a group of huntsmen to kill a family is a joke to you."
Ironwood released his voice out of aggression, turning to face me pointing his revolver at me as I point my revolver at him. The same revolver Ironwood had given me years ago.
We both pulled back on the hammer. Safety off. Our iron sights aiming directly at each other's head.
"You don't get it do you! You were a menace to humanity!" Ironwood shouted.
"I don't see how killing a mother and a new born child was a way to keep humanity safe!" I shouted back.
"I knew you were a problem as soon as you cause trouble several years ago. You remember the damage you caused in Mantel. After something like that you think you wouldn't face some consequences. Cause of the chaos you made people lost their lives that day!"
"I lost everything on that afternoon!" I jammed Aoi's tip in the ground holding my gun with both hands.
"And I've lost over two hundred citizens! Maybe more after today," he paused, taking a deep inhale, "Y/N, turn yourself in. If you continue the world in front of you will change."
"You think i came here just to get a lecture from you?" I asked.
pushing James' desk colliding with his knees making him to react to his shock of instant pain. Drifting his revolver high into the right.
"An eye for and eye James!" I muttered instantly pulling the trigger.

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